A Quiet Place Part 2 ended with a glimmer of hope for humanity, and there’s a lot that A Quiet Place Part 3 needs to do in order to properly end the trilogy. The first A Quiet Place was a surprise hit back in 2018, captivating audiences with its unique twist on the genre via a creepy emphasis on silence. The film, directed by John Krasinski, told the terrifying tale of a world ravaged by invading alien creatures that zero in on sound to find and attack humans. At the end of the film, Krasinski’s Lee Abbott sacrifices his life to save his wife Evelyn, his son Marcus, his deaf daughter Regan, and his infant son from the creatures that have destroyed their home.


The success of A Quiet Place prompted a sequel, which was released in 2021 and became one of the highest-grossing films of the year. A Quiet Place Part 2 followed the now-widowed Evelyn as she and her three kids seek human survivors, and particularly focuses on the now teenaged Regan and her attempt to weaponize her cochlear implant hearing aid against the creatures. The film concludes with Evelyn and her kids safe, Regan on an island sanctuary for survivors, and her hearing aid connected to the microphone in the island’s radio station for future use in defending humanity.

The ending of A Quiet Place Part 2 leaves the door wide open for a third installment, making the series into a trilogy. With a spinoff movie set in the universe of A Quiet Place already in development and Krasinski reportedly working on ideas for a third film, it’s highly likely that viewers can expect A Quiet Place Part 3 to happen in the coming years. And when it does, it will need to address lingering questions, follow through on plot threads and ideas, and provide a satisfying conclusion to the story begun in the first two films. Here’s a look at everything that needs to happen in A Quiet Place Part 3 in order to properly close the door on the series.

The Aliens’ Motivations Need to Be Explained

The best TV and movie monsters of 2018 — Quartz

One of the biggest factors for the success of A Quiet Place and its sequel is the use of its creature antagonists. From what little the audience (and the characters in the films themselves) know, these mysterious alien creatures landed on earth with the intent of wiping out humankind. However, even after two movies, the exact reasoning for their presence on Earth isn’t fully understood. While they’re clearly intelligent to a degree, they seem to lack any clear human-like behavior, instead acting like ravenous animals. What’s more, these creatures are relatively frail and are, in the right circumstances, as easy to kill as a human. They’re weak to bullets, their sensitive ears can’t handle the frequencies created by Regan’s implants, and in A Quiet Place Part 2, viewers learn that they’re also weak against water and lack the ability to swim. What exactly compelled these creatures to invade a planet with a surface that’s mostly occupied by water is still a mystery, and their exact purpose for being on Earth in the first place is unknown. While this ambiguity and mystery has served the tone and creepy feeling of the first two films well, A Quiet Place Part 3 will need to dive deeper into the origins and motivations of these creatures in order to provide greater context and payoff to the story at large.

Humanity Needs To Band Together

A Quiet Place Part II Proves to Be a Loud Win for the Disability Community - Respect Ability

Both entries in the A Quiet Place series thus far have been small-scale, intimate affairs with only a few characters and settings. The first film focused almost entirely one the Abbott family, with only a few other humans being seen during the film. The second movie increased the scope of the story by introducing several new main characters and an island full of survivors. What’s more, the ending of A Quiet Place Part 2 heavily implies there are more survivors. This means that Part 3 could have a much bigger cast than the previous two films, and in many ways, the third film will need a bigger cast. With the world now revealed to be much bigger than simply one family fighting against an alien invasion, the end of the trilogy will need to continue this increase of scope and show mankind banding together. Each island’s worth of survivors will need to begin coordinating with each other, perhaps preparing for a large-scale attack on the creatures in an attempt to reclaim the mainland. However, in order for this story to work, humanity will need a leader. Thankfully, they already have a perfect one waiting in the wings.

Regan Needs to Lead Humanity to Victory

A Quiet Place 2 star Millicent Simmonds felt "more pressure"

Largely, A Quiet Place Part 2‘s story revolves around Regan, the Abbott’s teenage daughter. Her hearing impairment places her in an interesting position when compared to the rest of the characters, and it’s ultimately her bravery and her choice to use her disability to her advantage that leads to the film’s hopeful ending. Without Regan’s drive to beat the odds and venture to the island, her mother and siblings surely would’ve died, and humanity wouldn’t have been given such a powerful weapon.

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All of this places Regan in a unique place at the end of the second film; having proven her competency and bravery, and with the island’s leader killed during the creatures’ attack, Regan needs to rise and become the leader that the community of survivors needs in order to fight back. By becoming an example for all of humanity to follow, Regan could emerge as a John Connor-type figurehead of a resistance movement. The arc of the previous two films leads perfectly into this development, and elevating Regan’s character to this new and exciting place is exactly the kind of bold, opportunity-rich direction the next film needs. In addition to this, Regan’s rise will tie back to the first film by giving Lee’s heroic sacrifice for his children a greater meaning. If A Quiet Place Part 3 is able to incorporate this idea while also widening its scope and diving into the origins of its antagonists, it could very well emerge as the best film in the trilogy, and become a fitting end to the story.

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