Viewers have been eagerly waiting for aliens to return to American Horror Story since Asylum, but Death Valley’s extraterrestrials underdelivered. Aliens first made their way into American Horror Story during season 2, with Asylum’s protagonist Kit Walker having a curious connection to the extraterrestrials. Kit’s significant others were revealed to be pregnant with his children after being abducted, while Briarcliff’s evil Dr. Arden attempted to research the aliens’ technology and influence on Kit. With no explanation of the creatures’ future influence on Earth, Asylum’s season finale saw Kit finally abducted by the aliens at age 40, never to be seen again.


Following American Horror Story season 10’s vampiric premise in Red Tide, Death Valley finally brought aliens back to the series as it explored two separate timelines. One timeline depicts President Eisenhower and future U.S. heads of state signing a treaty with the aliens, in which the extraterrestrials can abduct 5,000 Americans per year for experiments in return for technological advancements. Death Valley’s second timeline follows modern-day students who become abducted and impregnated by said aliens as they attempt to make the perfect human-alien hybrid.

When it was first announced aliens would take up half of American Horror Story season 10, fans were ecstatic. It was seen as a chance to get clarity on all of the mysteries and unanswered questions from Asylum’s aliens. Viewers love to see themes and seasons overlap, and Death Valley provided an opportunity to connect back to one of American Horror Story’s most beloved seasons. Sadly, Death Valley disappointed in this manner. The closest connection between Death Valley and Asylum was the aliens impregnating human abductees, but even so, it never explained why Asylum’s aliens wanted Kit to produce children. Death Valley didn’t need a direct connection to Asylum, but to make up for audiences’ disappointment it at least required a gripping story with a higher-stakes conflict – which it didn’t have.

Although American Horror Story: Roanoke has long been considered the weakest season, the consensus for Death Valley is fans hate the season. The story and casting were a letdown, but what’s worse is that the alien theme couldn’t save it. The aliens hardly play a role, and their experiments are largely contained to characters audiences found to be the least compelling. Death Valley had potential in its government plotline and explanations for famous American mysteries, but grew into a season that was underwhelming compared to its Red Tide predecessor. Red Tide also recycled a previous American Horror Story theme of vampires and even though it didn’t connect to Hotel’s vampires, it found a fresh way to explore the creatures. Death Valley had higher expectations after how well aliens were implemented in Asylum, so it was a shame it couldn’t find a direct connection when bringing the creatures back.

Instead, viewers are left with no questions answered about American Horror Story season 2’s aliens and disappointment because the creatures may not return. It’s been nearly a decade since they last appeared in American Horror Story, and many were hoping Death Valley could even bring back some characters from Asylum. Evan Peters’ Kit showing up in the Area 51 holding area or his children being involved in either fighting or helping the aliens’ cause would have helped Death Valley, but leaving the season without a link to past stories was fairly uncharacteristic for the series.

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