Batman is one of the few A-list DC Comics superheroes without superpowers, yet he’s still one of the most important, resourceful heroes on the entire Justice League. Batman has proven he doesn’t need powers thanks to his detective work, resources, and physicality. But, what happens when Bruce Wayne does get superpowers?

When running through the Justice League’s deep roster, most key members all have impressive superpowers. Wonder Woman has superhuman powers gifted by literal Gods, Superman is one of the most powerful beings in the universe thanks to his Kryptonian origin, Green Lantern has a power ring that allows him to fly and make impressive constructs, the Flash has super speed, and Aquaman can talk with fish (among other things). Meanwhile, Batman, well, he’s rich, has great tech, and is a skilled martial artist.


In Justice League #38 (2015) by Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, Lex Luthor created the Amazo Virus, a synthetic plague based on Amazo, a supervillain android who had the ability to replicate metahuman powers. Luthor’s virus has the opposite effect, as those metahumans who were exposed to it would have their meta abilities suppressed. The virus is released and causes a potentially deadly infectious outbreak after Neutron tries to kill Lex Luthor. So, what happens when a normal human is exposed to the virus? They gain superpowers, which is exactly what happened to Batman. The virus makes Batman blind, but he gets bat-like powers such as echolocation, as well as the ability to shoot sound waves from his mouth.

Batman’s powers soon become problematic for Wonder Woman and Superman, who remain uninfected. After trying to secure a virus from Lex using patient zero, the infected start attack those who are immune. Batman tries to kill Superman, but the Man of Steel escapes and cuts his own hand to give Lex his blood for a cure. Since Superman’s body fought (and won) against the virus, his blood turned out to be the solution to curing Batman and the rest of the infected from the Amazo Virus.

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Batman’s brief time with superpowers was undoubtedly awesome, but the character works so much better as an unpowered hero. Bruce pushes his body to the limit and risks his life to protect Gotham on a regular basis. He doesn’t need powers to prove how much of a hero he truly is – although, the brief upgrade was a cool moment for Batman, even if the infection turned him briefly evil.

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