In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Batman’s gauntlets can block Superman’s laser beams as well as energy shots from Steppenwolf’s Parademons, and the technology used to create those new gauntlets is based in reality. When it comes to superhero movies, characters as rich as Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark tend to develop wild technology that wouldn’t be available to the general public for years or decades – if at all. And both characters tend to use that tech to advance their suits.

In the DCEU, viewers saw Batman create the Armored Batsuit in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, a metal-based exosuit specifically designed to combat Superman. Of course, that costume was in addition to various other upgrades Bruce already made to his Batsuit, such as having the cape be fireproof. But by the end of that film, Bruce learned that there were bigger threats – and superpowered people – out there than just Superman, so he quickly got to work on new upgrades.


One of them was, according to Wonder Woman’s description, a “gauntlet that captures and dissipates energy.” Batman used it twice in the film – once against the Parademons underneath Gotham Harbor and again against Superman after his revival – and the gauntlets worked both times. Alfred Pennyworth said the gauntlets are lined with “specialized polymer solar cells,” which is presumably an advanced version of normal polymer solar cells that absorb light and produce electricity – or in this case, dissipates energy instead of storing it.

Simply applying the organic material onto the gauntlets wouldn’t be enough, given the complexity of the process of properly absorbing the light, which is why Alfred was so proud of himself that he managed to get it to work. The thing is, while the gauntlets were effective in short bursts, such as when the Parademons shot at Batman, they couldn’t withstand continued absorption, such as when Superman blasted his laser beams at Batman. After only a few moments, Batman had to remove one of his gauntlets because it heated up too much and he almost had to remove the second one, but Lois Lane arrived and stopped Superman in time.

It’s unclear for what purpose Batman thought he would use the gauntlets since Superman had died, but presumably he thought there would be other villains out there who had similar powers, which is why he and Alfred used one of the weapons from the Kryptonian scout ship to test the gauntlets with. Another interesting thing is that Batman came up with this idea only after Batman V Superman; he designed them based on Wonder Woman’s braces, hence her joke about Alfred making a black-colored lasso next.

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