Farosh is one of three dragons that appear in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and could potentially reappear in a larger capacity in the upcoming sequel, the official name of which Nintendo is withholding. The dragons served little purpose to players other than giving collectible items and providing an occasional unique cutscene, and in that way were vastly underutilized in the game. It seems likely that BOTW 2 will feature the return of Farosh, notably named after the Golden Goddess Farore.


In the first trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, Zelda and Link are traversing through a dark cavern, presumably underneath the Hyrule Castle. At the heart of this cavern, a corpse resembling Ganondorf can be seen with a green, clawed hand against its chest, which many have speculated to be the hand of Farore. In the most substantial trailer, from BOTW 2‘s appearance at E3 2021, the green magic that flowed off of the hand against the corpse’s chest is seen wrapping itself around Link’s arm. This magic reappears throughout the trailer, seemingly giving Link the ability to climb through surfaces and possibly give him added strength in battle. BOTW 2‘s pre-release footage promises an immersive story that will take place both on and off of the ground, bringing back the familiar sight of floating islands the series put to good use in Skyward Sword.

Besides Farosh, two other elemental dragons made their first appearances in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Dinraal and Naydra. With traversal requiring navigation across BOTW 2‘s floating islands, there’s the opportunity to create other means of travel other than using the glider. Giving these dragons a purpose aside from item farming could be revolutionary and give fans an experience that many wanted – being able to ride the dragons upon finding them.

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Breath Of The Wild’s Dragons Can Return In The Sequel

While it could’ve been seen as pointless in the original game due to the mostly flat map, providing a flying mechanic in the sequel gives Nintendo a chance to introduce new friends as well as enemies. Riding alongside Farosh, Dinraal, or Naydra could mean that they may also be utilized in battle. Green magic similar to that of Farore’s is seen possibly enhancing Link and giving him abilities he did not originally have, meaning Farosh could potentially be connected to Link and his new BOTW 2 arm if they share the same magic. This may also give plenty of new plot points within the story, giving players the task of communicating with the dragons to gain their trust for either travel or aid in battle, which could lead to the ultimate showdown between Link and the apparently undead antagonist of the sequel.

Each one of the dragons introduced in Breath of the Wild was named after the series’ Golden Goddesses, with each dragon holding a power resembling abilities that these deities possessed. A large portion of the game is dedicated to traveling around Hyrule, finding allies to aid Link in his battle with Calamity Ganon. Now that a new threat is apparent within Hyrule, the game could take a similar approach to the inevitable fight between good and evil. These allies could include familiar faces, such as the BOTW 2 return of Prince Sidon, Riju, Yunobo, Teba, and potentially the three dragons that hold the Goddesses’ abilities. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2is set to be released in spring of 2023 and fans are eager to see what twists and changes will be added to the game for a familiar, yet immersive and refreshing experience.