The Marvel shot-caller Nick Fury has done it all: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., former commander of the Howling Commandos, and all-around badass, the Man on the Wall has been protecting the Marvel universe in the shadows for decades now. But his most recognizable trait isn’t his leadership skills or talent for spying. It’s his missing left eye, which has been consistent across every version of Nick Fury’s character. But despite being such a recognizable look, the story of exactly how Nick Fury lost his eye all depends on which version of the character readers are looking at.

Marvel’s large, interconnected multiverse means there are usually multiple versions of the same character running around in alternate realities. This time however, there are only three Nick Furys to look out for: the original Nick Fury, his son Nick Fury, Jr., and the Fury from the Ultimate Universe. Each version of the character has a different backstory explaining their eyepatch, and no two explanations are quite the same.


The original Nick Fury’s backstory is explained in Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #27 (helpfully advertising itself on the cover as “The Origin of Fury’s Eye-Patch”). The comic is a flashback to World War II, and it follows Fury and his team as they sneak behind enemy lines to disable a German superweapon that’s been shooting down allied planes. During the mission one Nazi soldier unleashes a hand grenade on the Howling commandos, and Sgt. Fury heroically intercepts it, saving his troops but losing his eye in the process.

A good soldier doesn’t let a missing eye keep him down, however. After the mission’s success Fury was offered an operation that would restore his  left eye, but at the cost of keeping him out of combat for a full year. As a dedicated soldier Fury refused the procedure and returned to the front lines, where he continued to fight the war against Hitler.

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In 2011, Marvel Comics introduced the successor to the original Nick Fury: his son Marcus Johnson, who would eventually adopt the moniker Nick Fury, Jr.. Johnson didn’t make his comic book debut until Battle Scars, a six issue mini-series that served as his introduction to the Marvel Universe. Johnson was Fury’s illegitimate son and an Army ranger who had only just realized that Fury was his father. In Battle Scars #5 both of them were captured by the Russian supervillain Orion who sought to steal the “infinity formula” which flowed through Fury’s veins and slowed down his aging process. Battle Scars was written as a way to introduce the MCU Fury into the comics, which is why Johnson just so happens to look and act almost exactly like Samuel L. Jackson’s portrayal of Fury. The only problem with this is that Marcus Johnson still had both his eyes, so while he was captured Orion decided to taunt his prisoner by ripping out his left eye so Father and Son would look more alike.

The story of how the Ultimate universe version of Nick Fury lost his eye is less complicated, but still warrants an explanation. The Ultimate universe was highly influential on the rest of marvel but their Nick Fury’s backstory never made it to the MCU because his backstory is tied directly to the X-men. Ultimate X-Men #11 contains a flashback to Nick Fury’s time in the Gulf War where he was apart of the “Weapon X” division. In this universe Wolverine was being used by the government as a living weapon, being locked in an adamantium cage and transported around the world to be unleashed on the enemies of S.H.I.E.L.D. In the flashback Fury was tasked with transporting Wolverine across the desert and ended up being ambushed by Iraqi soldiers, losing his eye in the process.

Up until this point everyone involved with the Weapon X program thought Wolverine was a mindless killing machine, so the other soldiers were shocked to see Wolverine drag a half dead Nick Fury back to safety across the desert. This is the only version of his backstory that involves the X-men, but like every other version of Nick Fury it showcases the core elements of his character as a fighter on the front lines who would always risk his life for the good of the mission.

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