Warning: SPOILERS for Hanna Season 2.

Hanna season 2 deepens fans’ understanding of the titular super soldier’s abilities and contrasts them with those of her sisters’ in Utrax, the sinister CIA program that created Hanna and has morphed into a school for teenage female assassins in Northern England called the Meadows. Although Hanna (Esme Creed-Miles) was trained from birth by her late adoptive father Erik Heller (Joel Kinnaman) to fight Utrax, she reluctantly took her place among her peers and adopted a new name: Mia Wolff. Yet, Hanna still stood out as the best of the super-soldiers because of the stark differences between their training and genetic makeup.


As Hanna season 1 revealed, the infant Hanna Petrescu was stolen from Utrax’s original Romanian facility in 2003 by Erik Heller and her mother, Johanna (Joanna Kulig). Johanna was killed during their escape so Erik hid Hanna in the vast Romanian forests, where he raised and trained the young girl for 15 years. After Hanna was lost, Utrax’s director, Marissa Wiegler (Mireille Enos), shut down the Utrax project, but she was kept in the dark that the CIA restarted the program in 2004 under the designation Utrax Regenesis. The new Utrax continued the original’s plan to raise a crop of enhanced female super soldiers from birth, but they altered their methods in lieu of Wiegler’s failure with Hanna.

In Hanna season 2, the original Utrax alumna meets the second generation of super soldiers and tries to fit in among them at the Meadows. Hanna is also sent into the field on a mission along with Utrax’s top three trainees, but Hanna couldn’t allow herself to become a U.S. Government-sponsored assassin. Instead, she rebelled and upended Utrax’s plan to acquire a list of targets that threatened to expose the program. Hanna also turned her sister, Clara Mahan (Yasmin Monet Prince), to her side. Of course, Hanna season 2 featured plenty of action, combat, and gunplay that highlighted Hanna’s numerous abilities.

Hanna Was Genetically Altered With Wolf DNA

As the lone surviving subject of the original Utrax, Hanna was implanted with wolf DNA when she was a 3-month-old fetus. The enhancements affected her bone density, sensory sensitivity, and reduced her susceptibility to disease. This resulted in Hanna’s superior strength, speed, and physical coordination so that she can take out opponents who are much larger with one punch. Thanks to her wolf DNA coupled with her training from Erik, Hanna is highly attuned to her surroundings; she is extremely resourceful and she adjusts quickly to new environments. While Hanna’s enhancements veer towards the sci-fi, and there’s no apparent real-world application of breeding wolf-enhanced super soldiers, the series keeps her abilities grounded and realistic. The alias Utrax gave Hanna, “Mia Wolff,” is a nod to her wolf DNA.

Along with Hanna’s genetically-altered makeup, she was expertly trained by Erik to be a formidable fighting machine who is an expert with various firearms and weapons. Indeed, Utrax’s director John Carmichael (Dermot Mulroney) marveled at how efficiently Hanna penetrated the Meadows and took out the guards when she arrived to rescue Clara. Hanna also distinguished herself in training when won Capture the Flag by almost single-handedly eliminating the other 30 Utrax trainees. Coupled with the real-world experiences she gained in Hanna season 1, Hanna is clearly the best of the Utrax super soldiers.

The Utrax Trainees’ Enhancements Are Synthetic

By contrast, the rest of the Utrax trainees’ enhancements are synthetic. Instead of in utero enhancement, Utrax utilized a complex chemical cocktail to simulate Hanna’s wolf-derived abilities, which was developed by Passway Pharmaceuticals in Belgium. Tiny pills are implanted into the trainees’ upper left arms and they include psychotropic drugs to keep the girls docile and obedient, although they were gifted with newfound freedom and individuality when they matriculated at the Meadows. Still, the Utrax guards naturally worried the trainees could “rip their heads off” if they wanted to.

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Carmichael bragged that all he had to do was “flip a switch” to make the Utrax trainees do whatever he wants, but that cut-and-dry system proved unnecessary considering the thorough training the standouts like Sandy Phillips (Aine Rose Daly) and Jules Allen (Gianna Kiehl) received and the loyalty to Utrax they exhibit. Utrax’s radical nationalist philosophy is drilled into the trainees and they become experts at using weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and infiltration in their cover identities as “normal” teenage girls. On their missions, Sandy, Jules, and Clara also showed they were as perceptive of subtle changes to their surroundings as Hanna is. Yet, Hanna‘s titular character is physically and mentally tougher, and the wolf-augmented super solider is a cut above the synthetically-enhanced Utrax trainees.

Hanna Season 2 is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.

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