Throughout the course of How I Met Your Mother, Robin Scherbatsky was teased as the possible love interest for protagonist Ted Mosby. When Robin first met the group, she was laser-focused on her career, leaving no time for romance. However, during the series, Robin varied in her openness to a serious romantic relationship from season to season.

One of the most serious relationships Robin had was with news anchor Don Frank. While there are many reasons that the pair worked as a couple, there’s also a strong case as to why their relationship was doomed from the very start.

10 Too Used To Moving Around

When Don first joined Robin on the set of channel 12’s “Come On, Get Up New York!,” he was built up as a legendary figure in the early morning news world. Before joining the show, it was mentioned that he had already appeared on 38 different news programs.

Because of this frequent change and turnover, Don was more apt to drop everything and move on to the next opportunity that presented itself. This propensity to pack up and move on made it difficult for Don to plant roots in a meaningful relationship and ultimately led to his breakup with Robin when he took an out-of-state job.

9 Belittled Her Work

Since Don had bounced around from show to show, he had become jaded and cynical by the time he joined Robin on “Come On, Get Up New York!” However, as an up-and-comer, Robin was still hopeful and optimistic that the under-watched morning show would make an impact on viewers and be a career stepping stone to bigger opportunities.

Don’s cynicism caused him to act irresponsibly and to mock Robin for taking her job so seriously. Given how important her career was to Robin, she could never be with a partner who was unprofessional and made fun of her for her ambition.


8 Coworkers


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Because Robin and Don were on-air coworkers, she was slow to even acknowledge his advances. As seen in Robin’s reluctant season 1 romance with coanchor Sandy Rivers, Robin had a policy of not dating her coworkers. However, after Don cleaned up his act and started behaving more professionally, she began to view him as a potential romantic partner.

Compromising boundaries and going against better judgment is never a great way to start a relationship, as Robin did with Don. Robin eventually regretted not sticking with her initial impulse after the situation turned out the way she feared it would.

7 Bad First Impression

During his phase of apathetic unprofessionalism, Don made a horrible first impression upon Robin in a number of ways. From on-set antics like refusing to wear pants while filming to making a romantic move on Robin by attempting the “Naked Man,” Don made a series of mistakes that caused Robin to view him unfavorably.

While Don did make an effort to make up for this behavior, the first impression he made ultimately revealed his selfishness and immaturity. Robin should have trusted her initial impression of Don and realized that he was not going to fundamentally change as a person.

6 Unsupportive

As a favor to Robin, the group watched her show in support of her effort to quit smoking in the episode “Last Cigarette Ever.” Because of this, the group was watching when Don attempted to embarrass Robin by ambushing her with the news that the mayor canceled his interview just seconds before they went live and then tried to peer pressure her into smoking on air.

The group called into the show and stopped her from giving in. This manipulative behavior was unhealthy by Don and proved that he was not nearly as supportive of Robin as her true friends were.

5 Group Dynamics

By the time that Don and Robin started dating, Robin had already dated Ted and had most recently dated Barney, information that she initially withheld from Don.  When Don found out the truth, he thought that it was weird she still hung out with her exes. While Don was mature and handled the situation well, Barney and Ted got drunk and made a series of attempts to win her back in the episode “Twin Beds.”

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As a result of this, Robin ended up moving in with Don and pulling away from the group, revealing that her relationship with Don was not compatible with her lifestyle.

4 Past Hurt

When Don and Robin began dating, they were both dealing with heartbreak from recent relationships as Don mentioned in “Twin Beds” that he was recently divorced after his wife cheated on him and Robin expressed her pain and hesitancy to move on from Barney in the episode “Of Course.”

Robin went as far as to get Anita to try to mess with Barney and even canceled a date with Don after learning about Barney’s super date with Anita. This showed that Robin was not ready to move on and was still processing her feelings from the past.

3 Lack Of Communication

Just when it looked like things were going well between Robin and Don and their relationship was growing, Robin was presented with the opportunity to become an anchor, but the job would have required her to move to Chicago. Without consulting Don, she turned down the job, choosing her love life over her career. After she turned the job down, it was offered to Don, who accepted, leading to their breakup.

The entire situation could have been avoided if either of them had communicated with the either before making a life-altering decision. The fact that neither thought to talk to the other proved that it was only a matter of time before they broke up.

2 Not On The Same Page

Beyond exposing their lack of communication, their varied responses to the job opportunity in Chicago revealed that Robin and Don were ultimately not on the same page in regards to their relationship. Robin was ready to start prioritizing her personal life over her career, while Don was willing to give up his relationship with Robin in order to advance his career.

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In order for their relationship to succeed, Robin and Don would have needed to be on the same page and prioritized their continued growth together.

1 Ted’s Soulmate

When Robin and Don broke up, Ted was the first person that Robin ran to for comfort, asking to move back in with him and even trying to kiss him until she remembered that he had dyed his hair blond, which caused her to bust up laughing.

In the controversial ending, it was revealed that Robin was Ted’s soulmate. No matter how serious Robin’s relationships got, she always found herself coming back to Ted. Through everything that the two went through, fate pulled them together in the end, giving them both the lives they wanted before bringing them together. Robin and Don’s relationship was doomed from the start because she was meant to end up with Ted,

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