As far as TV Tropes go, Robin Scherbatsky was the Rachel to Ted Mosby’s Ross on How I Met Your Mother. Despite Ted telling his kids (an viewers) from the very first episode that she wasn’t their mother, it didn’t stop Teddy Westside from trying to win her affections.

But over the course of the series, Robin showed her true selfish colors on more than one occasion. Yes, she always told Ted (and others) straight up her desires and seldom chose to deviate from that path, but she also didn’t really stop anyone from trying to make her deviate. Here are 10 things about Robin that would never fly today. 

10 Leads Ted On 

It’s very nice of Robin to flat out explain to Ted that she’s not looking for anything serious, nor does she want kids, and she wants to travel the world. But a lovelorn half sack like Ted needed something that Robin’s never gave him – a true and honest let down. A declaration that it was never going to happen between them. Instead she led him on, and as Victoria notes on more than one occasion is the reason none of Ted’s relationships ever truly worked out. Even days before she was supposed to marry Barney, she was still using Ted as a possible out. 

9 Tried To Sabotage Barney’s “Relationship”

After realizing that she actually did like Barney and want to pursue another relationship with him, it was hard for Robin to leave him alone, even as he was trying pursue a relationship with Nora, or any other girl for that matter.

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While “The Robin” was Barney’s last move to deliberately get her to say “Yes,” she still bought in fully and tried to sabotage what she thought was a real relationship between Barney and Patrice. It was clear that these two sociopaths were made for each other. 


8 Cheated On Kevin 

Cheating is never good any time, but Robin seemingly finally found a completely decent human being in Kevin (although he was her therapist, but that’s a topic for another list). Rather than embrace that she finally found a good guy, she cheated on him – with waitforit, Barney. Thankfully, she wasn’t so much of a narcissist that she didn’t come clean. But Kevin was much of a good guy, that he actually let it slide. 

7 Dislikes Patrice For No Reason 

One of Robin’s coworkers that occasionally made an appearance was the kind and good natured, Patrice. How could anyone not love a person whose constantly smiling and loves giving people cookies?! She’s a grandma just waiting to happen! But Robin of course has to be the one person who doesn’t just dislike, but dislikes her for absolutely no discernible reason except one – her belief that no one could truly be that as happy as Patrice. 

6 Marries Barney 

It’s not so much that she married Barney. It’s more that Robin knew how bad of a move she was making. She knew that despite being good friends they were just too toxic for one another. She knew it as Barney revealed how duplicitous his final page in The Playbook was all just to get Robin to say yes. She knew as she called him out for lying just to get her. But she still actually said Yes. 

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5 Makes All Her Boyfriends Hang Out With Exes 

If it’s not weird enough constantly hanging out with not one but two ex-boyfriends, Robin pretty much makes all of her boyfriends do the same thing – hang out with her ex-boyfriends! She did it right from the very start of her breakup with Ted, bringing Gael around.

She did with Ted when she dated Barney, then Don, Kevin, you name the guy and they had to either deal with hanging out with old flames or leaving Robin. 

4 Leaves Marshall And Lily

When you’re in a group of friends as thick as Ted and his pals, it’s seems almost sacrilege to stop hanging out. But that’s what Robin did several times. Once, while she was dating Don; but that at least made sense since she had to get away from Ted and Barney. She did the same thing again years later after divorcing Barney. But there was no reason to stop talking to her supposed best friend, Lily. 

3 Told Ted They Should Have Ended Up Together 

Even after finally telling him no, completely closing the door with Ted, she kept smashing it wide open, even during her own wedding day when she found out that Ted had found her long lost locket. Even at the end of the aisle, when she tried to run, it was Ted that had tried to talk to her out of running, and Tracy who completely convinced her. 

2 Gets Barney To Break Up With Nora

After Barney and Robin slept together, cheating on Nora and Kevin respectively, Robin is ready to not say anything and forget the whole ordeal ever happened. But Barney egged her on. He even had her convinced that they should be together and let Kevin and Nora know.

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They agreed to tell Kevin and Nora and then meet back up at the bar. But instead of breaking up with Kevin, Robin stayed with him, leaving Barney to break up with Nora and leave him in a heartbroken lurch. 

1 Treats Victoria Badly; Wildly Jealous 

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