Out of the five friends on How I Met Your Mother, Robin Scherbatsky is one that doesn’t get the warmest reception. Whether it is because of her guarded persona or her selfish nature, not many people felt like they could relate to the news anchor. However, maybe fans should be looking towards the writers for this issue…

If anyone is to blame for why Robin became unlikable as the seasons went on, it’s the writers. They were the ones who came up with some outlandish storylines that didn’t make sense or created several plotholes. They didn’t even fact-check their own storylines, which created several inconsistencies too. Take a look at these examples…

10 Where Did Robin’s Sister Disappear To?

One thing that didn’t make sense was Katie’s disappearance from Robin’s wedding. First introduced in “First Time in New York,” fans met Robin’s sister, Katie, after she and her boyfriend came to the city to get some time alone together. Katie then made another appearance in “Vesuvius” when fans saw her and Robin playing a game of hockey.

However, when it actually came to the wedding, Robin’s sister was nowhere in sight. She wasn’t a bridesmaid, she wasn’t sitting by either of her parents, she wasn’t even at the reception. While fans can’t blame anyone for this since Hale was probably filming Pretty Little Liars, it doesn’t make sense that she would just disappear on the morning of her sister’s wedding? So where did she go and why wasn’t Robin concerned?

9 How Can Robin Not Know How To Crack An Egg?

A minor plot hole that hasn’t made much sense to fans is the whole Robin can’t crack an egg storyline. In the episode, “The Lighthouse,” fans saw tensions between Robin and Loretta reached a boiling point after the Stinson matriarch challenged the news anchor to a cook-off.

While everyone was praising Loretta over her perfect, scrambled eggs, Robin reveals that she doesn’t know how to cook an egg. The fact that she starts looking for an egg opener makes fans believe that she doesn’t even know how to crack an egg. However, some fans have pointed out that this can’t be true since Robin made crepes for Ted early in their relationship. It may be a minor issue but it still one that doesn’t make sense.


8 Robin and Marshall Not Hanging Out Together

Fans have also found another discrepancy through Robin and Marshall’s friendship. In the season 6 episode “The Mermaid Theory,” Robin and Marshall decide to hang out after Lily pointed out that they never spent time alone together. Throughout the night, Marshall and Robin express their discomfort after they run out of things to talk about.

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However, many fans have pointed out that this shouldn’t have happened – especially as they have hung out plenty of times. A prime example of this being in “Little Minnesota” when Marshall took Robin to a home-themed bar after she expressed her homesickness. Not only did they go there a couple of times but Marshall found and took her to a Canadian-themed bar. Not once did fans see any awkwardness between them so it doesn’t make sense why it was there initially.

7 Does Robin Know Of Her Aunt’s Sexuality?

Another detail that has caused a major pothole has to be whether Robin is aware of her aunt’s sexuality. As fans remember, Robin realized that her aunt had been in a long-term, committed relationship with a woman called Maureen, who she initially believed was a friend,

However, some fans have pointed out that this shouldn’t have come as a great surprise to her since Robin had stated that her aunt lived with her lover, Betty, on the farm (“Stuff”). Whether the writers forgot this scene or not, it seems to have created a bit of a discrepancy.

6 Why Was Robin Upset About Ted & Stella’s Wedding?

There also seems to be a bit of a plot hole involving the storyline where Robin getting upset over Ted and Stella’s engagement. As many fans remember, Ted and Robin broke up in “Something Blue” after the two realized their futures were on different paths. Robin wanted to go traveling and was not ready for marriage, which was why they agreed to break up.

However, in the flashback of “Something New,” Lily reveals that Robin got upset about Ted marrying Stella and not her. Fans also see Robin admit that she intended to wear her grandmother’s locket on the day she would have married Ted. Considering this occurred about a year after their breakup, it doesn’t make sense she would have had a change of heart this quickly.

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5 The Blue French Horn

As many fans know, the blue french horn was a significant object in Ted and Robin’s relationship. For the first two seasons, it resided on top of Robin’s mantle until they returned it to the restaurant in “Something Blue.” Here, the restaurant decided to get Ted’s details by keeping hold of his license and wallet.

In “Twin Beds,” it is revealed that Ted stole the horn again from the restaurant. After he returned it a second time, the restaurant chained it up (“No Pressure”). Yet, in the show’s final episode, he stole it again to give to Robin. Surely by now, the restaurant would have banned them from eating there or had them arrested for theft?

4 Robin Played Sports

Another major error that fans have picked up was the whole Robin playing group sports storyline. In “The Sutty Pumpkin,” Robin revealed that she had never participated in group sports. She hated the thought of working with others. However, many fans have found evidence that contradicts this scene.

Firstly, fans see Robin admit that she played field hockey during the episode “Best Prom Ever.” Then, in the flashback of “Happily Ever After,” fans see her getting into trouble with her father after kissing her ice hockey teammate. As one can tell, the writers didn’t seem to keep track of the stories they created.

3 Robin Has Other Friends?

One other thing that didn’t make much sense was why the gang insisted that Robin didn’t have any other friends apart from them. In “The Broken Code,” Lily was seen to suggest that Robin had no other female friends other than her. However, there have been many episodes that have refuted this.

Firstly, the pilot episode shows Robin sharing a drink with several female friends. In “Glitter,” Robin reunites with her Canadian best friend Jessica, and in “Desperation Day,” Robin is seen to organize a get-together with some of her single co-workers. She wouldn’t agree to any of this if she didn’t like them.

2 Why Did She Divorce Barney?

Another aspect that didn’t make much sense was Robin and Barney’s divorce. From season 7 to 9, the writers spent the majority of time developing the love story between Barney and Robin. The fans saw relationship drama, a pregnancy scare, an engagement, and eventually a marriage.

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However, after spending a whole season building up to their wedding, fans were shocked to discover they had got a divorce in the finale. A lot of people weren’t satisfied with this – particularly as they believed Robin and Barney were better suited for each other. Yet, the writers always intended for them to divorce because they wanted Ted and Robin to reunite. After everything they went through, fans just felt that it didn’t make sense to undo all that development.

1 Residual Feelings For Ted

One of the most confusing aspects of Robin’s character arc had to be when Robin’s feelings for Ted reappeared. In season 7, many fans believed the romance between Robin and Ted was finished for good after the news anchor rejected his love confession. When Robin and Barney got married and Ted and Tracy got together, everyone thought that this would be it.

So imagine their surprise when it was revealed that Robin had residual feelings for Ted and regretted not choosing him. Considering she was absent from his life for a while after her divorce and traveling a lot, it doesn’t make sense that Robin’s feelings for Ted would be reignited.

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