The Legend of Korra, which released four years after Avatar: The Last Airbender ended, takes place in a futuristic version of the world Aang and his friends had travelled through. Set decades after the events of the original series, Legend of Korra follows the life and adventures of Avatar Aang’s successor, a 17-year-old girl from the Southern Water Tribe named Korra.

The first season is set primarily in the capital of the United Republic of Nations, Republic City, which was founded by Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko after the events of The Last Airbender as a way to unite the four nations. The metropolis provides a stark example of how time has transformed the fictional world of Avatar. Previously described as an Asian Manhattan by the series’ creators, Korra’s world is far more technologically advanced than it was at the time of The Last Airbender. Furthermore, due to Republic City being a densely populated cosmopolitan and urban center, it was prone to civil unrest and crime in a way that Aang’s world was never seen to be.


The time passed – 70 years – and technological progress The Last Airbender’s world has undergone gives rise to one of Legend of Korra’s biggest themes and continued source of conflict: spiritual unrest in a modernizing world. As the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, Korra struggles to maintain balance between the two forces in an era that has both commercialized and politicized bending. No longer regarded as a sacred and spiritual art, bending is now commonplace and used to fulfill everyday jobs, commit crime, or, as is seen extensively during Legend of Korra’s first season, a spectator sport.

The city-scape also provides a more mature and dynamic backdrop for Korra’s adventures, from political machinations to revolutionary movements, economic and social inequality, underground criminal activity, and abuses of power. This is all facilitated by Legend of Korra’s introduction of new technologies and a metropolitan setting, neither of which existed 70 years earlier during the events of The Last Airbender. The same developments also give rise to many of the obstacles Korra faces over the seasons, ones which serve as allegories for fascism, weapons of mass destruction, state propaganda, and caste systems, to name but a few.

By setting The Legend of Korra 70 years after the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the former was able to delve into more mature socio-political themes than its predecessor, and provide a richer, more dynamic backdrop to the main action. This was in great part thanks to the technological advancements, social evolution, and widespread urbanization enabled by seventy years of progress.

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