There are many ways that Final Fantasy 7 Remake is different from the original Final Fantasy 7. One big structural difference is that Final Fantasy 7 Remake  is broken into chapters, some of which contain optional content that can’t be completed later in the game.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake actually only covers the first act of the original Final Fantasy 7, telling the story of Cloud and his companions during their adventures in the city of Midgard. A sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Remake is in the works and is expected to cover later portions of the game. Final Fantasy 7 Remake tells roughly the same story as its predecessor, with some changes that hint at a larger meta-story that might have big implications for the plot of the sequel.


There are 18 chapters within Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Some chapters are fairly linear, while others offer players time to do several optional side quests. During the first playthrough, there are some chapters that contain side quests that can only be completed while that chapter is active. Once a player progresses to the next chapter, those side quests will no longer be accessible. Final Fantasy 7 Remake warns players when this is going to happen, particularly in Chapter 14, the last open section before the game becomes a linear route to the end. Those interested in grinding to improve their materia, level, or weapons, should do so before ending Chapter 14.

Does Final Fantasy 7 Remake Have New Game+?

Once players beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake, they unlock the ability to replay any chapter in any order they choose. This means that if they missed any side quests or items, they can go back and experience the full content. Chapter select is also the only play Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s equivalent of New Game+, Hard Mode. There is no option to simply start the game over from the beginning with Hard Mode on. Instead, players must use chapter select to play each individual chapter on Hard Mode, recreating the story of Final Fantasy 7 Remake but with a break between chapters. Hard Mode makes several changes to Final Fantasy 7 Remake, including scaling monster difficulty and removing items from use.

No release date has been officially announced for the sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but it will likely be a year or two before the game’s release. Until then, players can enjoy replaying Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s chapters and discuss the many theories about why certain changes were made to the game, and what it means that a certain character appeared at the end of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. 

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is currently available on PlayStation 4.

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