Morbius has a 17 percent “Rotten” rating on Rotten Tomatoes at the time of writing, but how does that compare to Jared Leto’s other movies? Leto’s movies have all received varied reception over the years, and it’s clear that Morbius ranks near the lower end of critical reception. It doesn’t paint a good picture, especially when compared to the other films Leto’s been involved with.

Sony has had problems for years with establishing their own shared universe of Marvel movies, with the Venom franchise being a notable outlier in that regard, and Morbius has been no different. Fans and critics alike have reacted negatively to the film because of its plot, writing, directing, and the inconsistent ways in which Morbius‘ post-credits scene tries to connect to the MCU in its ending. All of that came together to make it become “Rotten” on Rotten Tomatoes.


This is how Morbius’ Rotten Tomatoes score compares to all of the other movies Jared Leto has been involved with. Leto has been in a wide variety of movies over the years, from other superhero movies such as Suicide Squad and Zack Snyder’s Justice League to movies with wildly differing plots and themes such as Fight Club, American Psycho, and Blade Runner 2049. Thanks to that, there isn’t an extreme amount of consistency between the scores of his films, but there’s still plenty of information to be analyzed.

Only Two Jared Leto Movies Have A Worse Rotten Tomatoes Score Than Morbius

Sony Pictures’ Morbius’ score of 17 percent on Rotten Tomatoes is extremely low for both superhero movies and movies, in general, but it’s not the lowest-rated movie Leto has been involved with. As it stands, there are only two movies on Leto’s resume with a lower score than Morbius: the 2004 epic historical drama Alexander, which only has a 16 percent rating, and the 1998 British historical drama Basil, which has an abysmal 0 percent rating. Alexander was a noted box office failure that also failed to garner a positive reception from fans and critics, and while Basil only has five reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, likely owing to its relative obscurity, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s one of the few movies Leto’s been involved with to have a lower score than Morbius. If anything, the fact that one of the few films Jared Leto’s Morbius could do better than was an obscure nineties film that only a handful of people are likely to be familiar with potentially makes Morbius look even worse.

Morbius’ rating also looks bad when compared to some of the other low-rated films Leto has been involved with. At a 17 percent “Rotten” rating, Morbius is between one and nine points behind The Outsider, Chapter 27, Urban Legend, and Suicide Squad. All of those movies were either critical failures, financial failures, or both, so Morbius doing worse than them truly emphasizes the negative reception it’s been met with. It’s also very telling that the DCEU’s Suicide Squadhas a higher score than it, as Suicide Squad has a notoriously negative reception among many viewers and critics for a superhero movie.

Morbius’ Score Is Largely Consistent With Jared Leto’s Films

As low as Morbius’ score may be, it’s largely consistent with Leto’s general film history. Out of the twenty-eight films of Leto’s that have ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, twelve — thirteen if Morbius is included — are “Rotten”; in addition to some of the previously cited examples, there are also films such as Switchback, Lonely Hearts, and The Little Things, all of which did poorly at the box office and were met with mixed to negative reception. Almost half of Leto’s films with ratings on Rotten Tomatoes are “Rotten”, and with there being a few that are just barely past the line – such as Lord of War at 61 percent and House of Gucci at 63 percent – there’s a clear trend of Jared Leto’s movies not performing well in one way or another, and Morbius is just the latest one to follow that.

While Leto’s films are all largely different from one another, the reasons people had for disliking them do have some overlap. For many of the films that received “Rotten” ratings, common criticisms have been things along the lines of poor and unfocused plotting and uninteresting and uninspired stories. That sort of reasoning is in line with many of the criticisms that have been levied at Morbius, as many people have called its story boring and poorly written, even saying that it feels like a superhero movie that should have been made in the 2000s as opposed to the 2020s.

That being said, it’s not as if actor Jared Leto has never been part of any successful movies in his career. For example, Leto had roles in both Fight Club and American Psycho, two films that have received a wide amount of praise from fans and critics alike. More recently, Leto has been involved with the critically-acclaimed Blade Runner 2049, Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which many people agree to be a vast improvement over the original Justice League film, and Dallas Buyers Club, with Leto’s performance even earning him an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. At least from a critical standpoint, it’s clear that while Jared Leto does tend to appear in movies that are met with some degree of a negative reception, he can appear in something that can either be a critical or financial success.

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At the end of the day, the quality of a movie is subjective, and how enjoyable a film like Sony Pictures’ Morbius will be is ultimately up to the viewer. Rotten Tomatoes is good at compiling reviews together to give a general idea of how a movie is being received, but that shouldn’t be the deciding factor in whether or not a person thinks a movie is good, or even if they’ll bother seeing it. However, that doesn’t mean it should be completely ignored, especially since the reviews are being made by people who also watched the movie. The fact that so many people would watch Morbius and come away with negative-enough impressions of it to get it rated “Rotten” definitely paints a picture of what someone might be in for if they go to see it, and the general history of Jared Leto’s other films doesn’t help much with that, either. Again, the quality of a movie is subjective, so Jared Leto’s Morbiuscan be enjoyed despite its low rating, but it’s still some interesting data, especially when trying to understand the film’s standing alongside other superhero movies.

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