Mysterio is the self-proclaimed Master of Illusion in the Marvel Universe, earning his spot as the central villain of Spider-Man‘s MCU offering Spider-Man: Far From Home, played by Jake Gyllenhaal. Under his real name of Quentin Beck, Mysterio used to work in Hollywood doing stunts and special effects, before he decided to put his talents towards a life of crime. More often than not, Mysterio would excel at making Spider-Man think he was losing his mind thanks to his plethora of elaborate tricks and illusions, making the Webslinger see and experience things that seemed realer than real. However, while Mysterio has made Spider-Man question his sanity, and even pushed Daredevil to the very edge, it was Wolverine who was the victim of Mysterio’s greatest (and darkest) illusion.


Mysterio ended up playing a rather significant role in the original 2008 Old Man Logan storyline, written by Mark Millar and artist Steve McNiven, and the inspiration for 2017’s acclaimed Logan. In the grim future that Millar created, the villains have taken over the world, and America has been split up into territories, with Red Skull as its president. Apparently, all of the supervillains banded together in a coordinated strike to wipe out all of the superheroes at once. This led to almost every superhero being wiped out, with only a small few in hiding, trying to escape notice. One such former hero is Wolverine, who now has a family. However, after the Hulk Gang demands rent money, Logan agrees to join a blind Clint Barton (Hawkeye) on a job to deliver a package, leading to an adventure that is much more than Logan bargains for.

As they travel, Logan reveals to Clint what happened to him the night the supervillains attacked, and why he’s never popped his claws since. During the night of the attack, forty supervillains charged the X-Mansion in a massive assault, and Logan was the only hero there to stop them all from hurting the students, as none of the X-Men were around. Wolverine unleashed his claws in a desperate fury, killing the entire invading force. However, he then realized too late the horrible truth: due to the illusions of Mysterio, Wolverine was tricked into killing the X-Men.

In what was Mysterio’s most terrible yet successful illusion ever, he made the X-Men look, feel, sound, and smell completely different to Logan’s senses, making him believe he was killing supervillains, and not his friends and allies. The trauma was too much for Logan, which is why he refused to use his claws ever again, at least not until he was forced to avenge his family and set out to rid the world of all supervillains at the comics’ end. It should be noted that Mysterio’s illusion was so good and so believable that President Red Skull had the Master of Illusions killed afterwards so that he couldn’t use the same illusion on any of the other supervillains.

This insanely dark ruse is no doubt Mysterio’s greatest illusion, as it was so successful in its manipulation of Wolverine, making Mysterio responsible for the deaths of nearly all of the X-Men. While this isn’t to say Mysterio hasn’t had some epic illusions over the years (he once got Daredevil to think a baby was the Anti-Christ), the very fact that this one actually achieved its goals and wasn’t thwarted like so many others by Spider-Man or other heroes is a testament to its place as the greatest illusion Mysterio has unleashed thus far.

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