November 11 marks the 10th anniversary of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and developer and publisher Bethesda is celebrating the occasion by releasing an Anniversary Edition. This new version of the iconic RPG is bolstered by every Creation Club item yet released for Skyrim, as well as all three DLC expansions. Purchasing the Anniversary Edition isn’t necessary for getting some new goodies, though, because a selection of Creations will be released for free to owners of Skyrim Special Edition, including a well-loved Survival Mode.

Survival Mode is a nice free addition to the Special Edition, but the selected Creations pale in comparison to what’s included in the new Anniversary Edition. Owners of the Special Edition will also receive a new quest line, Saints & Seducers, new Rare Curios to be purchased from the roaming Khajiit Caravans, and the new fishing mechanics. Skyrim Anniversary Edition comes bundled with over 500 Creations items to expand the game’s content, which might provide Skyrim veterans reasons to return if they haven’t picked up Skyrim in a while.


Much of the Anniversary Content isn’t technically new, it’s just never been offered all at once before. For instance, the free Survival Mode Creation released back in 2017. It was free for a short period of time, but has since cost 500 CC Credits (about $5 depending on how many CC Credits were purchased at once). Those who have played Fallout 4‘s Survival Mode will be familiar with the general mechanics of Skyrim‘s, but there’s a few differences owing to each game’s setting. Very generally, Survival Mode changes the game to make nearly every aspect of Skyrim more difficult. For those that want to know exactly what they’ll be getting into with Survival Mode, details on all its aspects follow.

Skyrim’s Survival Mode Brings New Conditions & Illnesses

Survival Mode attempts to bring a bit of realism to Skyrim, which means players will have to monitor their character’s overall health. In Survival Mode, Hunger and Fatigue are now constant concerns, with food and rest required to keep stamina and magicka bars at their maximums. Going too long without eating will effect stamina, which will be reduced in correlation with hunger level, with attack speed and effectiveness with shields and sneaking being affected as well. Eating more than enough food will result in a Well Fed bonus, where stamina regenerates faster. Fatigue works almost the exact same way, affecting stamina regeneration, but being more detrimental to magicka. Sleeping in a bed will combat Fatigue, but only using beds indoors can result in a Well Rested Bonus for more efficient skill increases. Sleeping is also the only way to level up in Survival Mode.

There are also Afflictions which come about from extreme Hunger, Fatigue, and Cold (more on Cold below) in Skryim‘s Survival Mode. In addition to the normal debuffs from Hunger and Fatigue, becoming afflicted with Weakened and Addled conditions will reduce a character’s stats for 24 hours. More common diseases with similar effects can also be contracted from creatures. All Diseases previously in the game can now progress into even more severe stages, increasing their negative effects. There are also new Diseases exclusive to Survival Mode. One notable example is Brown Rot, which can be contracted from Draugr, some of Skyrim‘s most common enemies. If left untreated, Crippling Brown Rot will result in all armor being 75% less effective, and sleep being 75% less restful.

Traversal & Climate Matter In Skyrim’s Survival Mode

It’s important to note that fast travel from the world map has been disabled in Survival Mode. In-universe methods of travel – carriages and boats – are still available, but players may arrive at their destination hungry, cold, and in need of sleep. Other than that, the only modes of transportation are by foot and on horseback. This is complicated further by the addition of dangerously cold climates in Survival Mode. Traveling in cool or freezing areas (outlined by the map above) will have adverse effects on a character’s health. Growing colder will gradually reduce maximum health, and reduce the probability of successfully picking Skyrim’s many locks and pockets. Reaching the maximum level of Cold will result in death.

Snowflake and sun icons will be displayed near the in-game compass that lets players know if their character is currently getting colder or warmer. Clothing and armor will all provide different levels of Warmth, a stat used to determine how quickly a character succumbs to Cold. Any open flame, such as a campfire or torch, will ward off freezing temperatures. There are also new Hot Soup recipes in Survival Mode to help deter Cold and fortify Warmth. Players will also want to avoid water while traveling through freezing areas, since becoming submerged will result in gradual damage.

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Skyrim’s Survival Mode Introduces Altered Game Mechanics

There is also a handful of other alterations to Skyrim‘s game mechanics to match the more deliberate gameplay loop of Survival Mode. There are some modifications to the traits of Skyrim’s races to make them more advantageous (except in the Argonians’ case) in Survival Mode, particularly in regards to Hunger, Fatigue, and Cold. Each race’s Survival Mode passive abilities are listed here:

  • Argonian – a weakness to Cold, and immunity to food poisoning from raw meat
  • Dark Elf – a resistance to Fatigue
  • High Elf – a resistance to Fatigue
  • Khajiit – a resistance to Cold, and immunity to food poisoning from raw meat
  • Nord – a resistance to Cold
  • Orc – a resistance to Cold, Fatigue, and Hunger
  • Wood Elf – a resistance to Fatigue

For characters of all races, health no longer regenerates automatically in Survival Mode. Players must use potions, food, or become proficient in Skyrim’s Restoration magic to regain lost HP. Similarly, carry weight is greatly reduced, and becoming overencumbered is yet another way to bring about the effects of Fatigue. The reduced carry weight is made even more difficult through items like arrows and lock picks now having a weight in Survival Mode.

The Anniversary Edition of Skyrim will bring plenty of new content from the Creation Club, but Survival Mode will be available to anyone that has the Special Edition. It makes the game much more difficult, and gives the player a variety of new systems to manage, but is designed to be a fresh, new experience. Something that fundamentally changes the way The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is played like Survival Mode may be exactly what’s needed to get some players interested in the decade old title.

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