Warning! Spoilers for Star Wars: Darth Vader #3 (2017)

The Barash Vow makes Jedi additionally powerful in the Star Wars galaxy. When Master Infil’a utilized the Vow, he proved that he was at his best as a Jedi in his fight against Darth Vader.

Although “gray Jedi” isn’t exactly the proper term for it, there is such a thing as a Jedi who disregards the light and the dark in favor of the Force’s full potential. There have been a handful of times in current Star Wars canon when a person has depended solely on the Force outside the limitations of Jedi or Sith. However, when they do learn to hone in on the Force without such confines, they prove to be powerful warriors, as demonstrated by Jedi Master Infil’a in Star Wars: Darth Vader #3 (2017), written by Charles Soule with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli.


When a Jedi Knight takes advantage of the Barash Vow, they realign themselves with the Force, outside the context of the Jedi Order’s teachings. The oath is commonly associated with Jedi who are seeking recompense for wrong action, leaving the Order for a time. However, when Master Infil’a took on the Vow himself, he was able to reconsider what it meant to be in tune with the Force. Not bound by Jedi tradition, and free from the dark side, Master Infil’a meditated on the full capacity of the Force, unrestricted by its power. No longer following a specific model dependent on the light or the dark, he had the ability to transcend the binary.

Pursuing a spiritual journey not limited to ancient traditions, Jedi can theoretically use the Barash Vow to find a deeper and truer dependency on the Force. Just as Infil’a sacrificed his Jedi religion to meditate and seek the Force’s will for his future, any Jedi can utilize the Vow in the same way. Ultimately, the Barash Vow challenges Jedi to reconsider their skill and the true extent with which they trust the Force. Keeping them from becoming jaded or tempted by emotion, it enables them to tap into a more fully realized warrior. 

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Disregarding such titles and resisting the arrogance that some Jedi Masters are prone to have, Infil’a exemplified the Vow’s potential in his duel. Focusing enough on the Force to defeat Darth Vader,a Jedi who takes the oath goes a step further than other Jedi by not trusting their senses. Instead, the Barash Vow empowers a Force wielder to invest fully in the “energy field created by all living things.”

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