The Black Market in Far Cry 6 offers a rotating stock of overclocked weapons and other unique wares. However, while it is a great place to obtain such rare items, these particular goods can’t be bought using the Yaran Pesos other vendors accept. Though some extra steps are required to earn the Market’s special currency, it’s well worth it for anyone searching for powerful weaponry or difficult-to-find materials in Far Cry 6.

To gain access to Lola, the Far Cry 6 NPC who runs the Black Market, players must have at least one Guerrilla Camp established. In the main storyline, Clara will give Dani several quests that eventually lead to setting up a main Camp. Completing “Meet the Monteros,” “Meet Maximus Matanzas,” or “Meet the Legends” will unlock a Guerrilla Camp in Madrugada, Valle de Oro, or El Este, respectively. Lola will appear at an established Camp, marked by a blue diamond icon both on the map and above her head in-game.


Players must use a special currency called Moneda to buy anything from the Black Market in Far Cry 6. In single-player mode, Moneda can be acquired by completing the Special Operations assigned by Lola. Multiplayer mode can prove to be a much faster way to earn Moneda, however. Completing any activity in Far Cry 6‘s online co-op rewards players with the unique currency. Similarly, once players have finished the main game, they can also earn a hefty amount of Moneda from the various tasks in Insurgency mode.

How the Black Market Works in Far Cry 6

To shop at the Black Market in Far Cry 6, players can speak to Lola at a main Guerrilla Camp. They should note that Lola can only be found at Montero Farm, Camp Máximas, and Patriot’s Peak. Talking to her gives players the option to either view and undertake her Special Operations or to peruse the Black Market wares. Players’ total Moneda will also appear in the upper right corner of the Market screen. Should they need more Moneda prior to purchasing some of Lola’s wares, players should opt to browse the Special Operations she has available. To see what rare weapons and items she might have in store, they should select the Black Market tab instead.

The Far Cry 6 Black Market items are sorted into two categories: “Weapons” and “Other.” There are plenty of powerful Far Cry 6 weapons players will want to get their hands on, and the Black Market offers one place to find some of them. The “Other” tab serves as a catch-all for the remaining non-weapon items and materials that Lola sells. Additionally, the Black Market rotates its wares every week. Players will have the full seven days to purchase any special items before they are replaced with new ones. A countdown clock is shown while shopping to indicate how long players have until the Black Market’s stock changes.

Far Cry 6 is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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