When The X-Files returned for season 11 many fans wished to meet William Scully, but perhaps should’ve been careful what they wished for. The X-Files‘ original run went for nine seasons, and while seasons 8 and 9 – which saw David Duchovny’s Mulder mostly absent – weren’t great, they did produce a few memorable developments. Chief among those was the birth of Scully’s son William, then believed to be her and Mulder’s biological child. William demonstrated alien abilities though, and in an attempt to keep him safe, Scully arranged for William to be adopted by a normal family under a new name, seemingly losing him forever.


This news devastated Mulder once Scully told him what had happened during a prison visit, after Mulder was falsely accused of murder, but he ultimately understood her reasoning. When The X-Files was resurrected for season 10 in 2016, fans naturally wondered if a now teenage William would come back into the picture somehow. After all, X-Files characters are seldom really gone for good, no matter how final their exit may seem.

William didn’t play a role in season 10, but in season 11 Mulder and Scully’s search for their long-lost son became a focal point of the ongoing mythology arc. Finally, the reunion did happen, but unfortunately, what should’ve been triumphant turned out lackluster due to some bad creative choices.

The X-Files Season 11 Ruined William Scully’s Return

X-Files creator Chris Carter and crew basically doomed William Scully’s return right off the bat in season 11, thanks to a plot turn seemingly no one wanted, judging by the extremely negative reaction it received from viewers. In the season premiere, it was revealed the Cigarette Smoking Man, and not Mulder, was actually William’s biological father. While Cigarette Smoking Man didn’t physically force himself on Scully, what he did was essentially sexual assault in every other way that matters, and a disgusting violation of both her body and free will. For as evil a character as he is, tricking Scully into unwittingly carrying his child was a bridge too far for many viewers to accept.

Once it was time for William to finally become a real character in the plot in the episode “Ghouli,” the William fans meet is a huge jerk, and overall quite unlikable. While some of that can be excused by his being a teenager and dealing with all the changes that entails – plus having alien powers – the first major thing audiences see William do is use his ability to alter perception in a decidedly reckless manner. William makes the two girls he’s dating – at the same time without their knowledge, because again, he’s a jerk – see each other as Ghouli, a monster he created as a sort of personal creepypasta story.

He later says it was meant to be a prank, but instead, the two girls started stabbing each other, nearly to death. William expresses some remorse later, but that doesn’t change the fact he seriously thought was a good idea. William does end up putting himself in harm’s way to save Mulder at the end of the season, but by that point, the damage had been done. A character so many X-Files fans had spent years hoping to see was reduced to an ill-conceived plot twist and a selfish teenager with little regard for what his powers might do.

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