Hades is packed full of challenging enemies and boss fights, and the Fury Alecto is no exception. Journeying through the Underworld, Zagreus must overcome a punishing gauntlet of encounters in order to reach the final challenge and attempt to escape. Players will have to master the chaotic combat and abundant upgrades to conquer this dungeon, a task which is made no easier by the fact that Hades features variants of some of the boss encounters.

After the first dozen or so runs in Hades, some bosses start to shift between a few different variations. This is most noticeable with Tisiphone and Alecto, Megaera’s two Fury sisters who will occasionally replace her as the boss encounter at the end of Tartarus. Each of them is difficult in their own way, with unique abilities and arenas.


In Hades players must get good at movement, as there are numerous hazards and attack patterns to dodge. Zagreus can dash to quickly reposition and evade attacks, but it’s important not to dash recklessly. Learn to dash with good timing and towards safe areas, weaving in and out of combat. Also, try to learn a bosses’ patterns before starting to attack. Focusing only on dodging is a solid way to learn the telegraph, and timing, of their abilities, and then striking back can be introduced once some muscle memory has been developed.

Breaking Down the Boss Fight With Alecto in Hades

Alecto is one of the more difficult Furies to fight in Hades, due to her unique Rage mechanic and trap-filled arena. She starts with three abilities and randomly gains another of her five at 75% and 50% health.

  • Phase One: Alecto begins with her Lunge, a dash towards Zagreus, Whip Arc, a front-facing melee strike, and Build Rage. When building rage she’ll release projectiles in all direction. This phase is relatively straightforward: dash away from her lunges and whip arc, strike when she’s in end-lag, and unload when she’s stationary during Build Rage. When Alecto becomes enraged, the fight gets more difficult. All of her abilities will briefly unlock, her lunge and whip arc release projectiles, and she’ll become temporarily faster. Focus on dashing away and wait out her rage to minimize loss of health.
  • Phase Two: At 75% HP Alecto unlocks either Lightning Chase, a chain of area-of-effect attacks that hit in circles around Zagreus, or Whip Shot, which releases large spinning blades that drift around the arena. During the lightning chase, she’ll spin rapidly, and it’s possible to dash, quickly attack, and repeat to get some hits in. Watch out for her rage meter and practice effective dodging.
  • Phase Three: At 50% HP Alecto gains her last ability, and the fight continues largely as before. Stay steady with a good rhythm of dodging and attacking, and keep calm.
  • Phase Four At 25% HP she’ll enter a permanent rage, and at this point, it’s time to take her down as fast as possible. The arena can quickly fill with multiple spinning blades and she’ll rapidly chase Zagreus down. Use Call Aid if available, and finish the fight quickly.

Alecto is a challenging boss in Hades, but with enough practice and a steady hand, it’s possible to get consistently good at this fight.

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Hades is available on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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