Galahad is one of the bosses players will face in Bravely Default 2. This guide will show players how to defeat this boss. In your journey within Bravely Default 2, players will need to use their skills and problem solving to take down almost every enemy in the game. Pulling directly from the older Final Fantasy titles, players will also need to grind against enemies to become stronger and unlock new attributes. As the Final Fantasy series grew into what it is today, this left fans looking for a more traditional RPG experience. Enter Bravely Default, a series that aims to bring back that classic turn-based feeling. Galahad is one of the bosses players will encounter in chapter 2. This guide will show players how to defeat him.


Players will first encounter Galahad is one of the characters that is being brainwashed around Wiswald. Players will encounter him fairly early on into chapter 2 as they enter a scripted battle that only serves a plot purpose. Regardless of what happens, players will then face him much later down the line at the top of the Treetop Tower dungeon. He’s incredibly built, making it difficult to attack him in certain situations. This guide will show players how to defeat him.

How To Defeat Galahad in Bravely Default 2

For starters, Galahad is weak to Daggers, Staff, and Light attacks. Avoid using Wind, Spear, Bow, Swords, and Earth attacks while in battle. Players will want to also take down Mona as this demon will heal Galahad after a while. Mona itself is weak to Light, Staff, and Sword attacks. When the battle opens, focus on taking down Mona as soon as possible. Whoever is your Sword user would be best for this situation.

After taking down Mona, start to aim at Beleth using Thunder attacks. Focus fire on Beleth until they are defeated. Then, focus on Amrita using Physical attacks. Now, Galahad is the only one remaining. Make sure to heal as often as possible before reaching this point to make the fight a bit easier on yourself. As mentioned, players will want to use Staff, Dagger, or Light attacks to take their health down little by little. Every time he attacks, make sure to break down to math and see how many hits you can take from Galahad. Heal, attack, and continue this pattern until he is defeated. The battle itself isn’t super challenging once his demon party is eliminated.

Bravely Default 2 is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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