There are some truly bizarre moments in Resident Evil Village. From baby fetus monsters to a nine-foot-tall vampiress, Capcom’s latest entry into its long-running franchise throws everything it has at the player as they try to figure out the macabre mystery surrounding the characters and events of the game.

One of the more “normal” boss encounters in Resident Evil Village, at least by video game tropes, is the character Heisenberg. This giant walking pile of scrap metal is encountered shortly after reconnecting with Chris Redfield. Ethan Winters, the protagonist of the game, finds Chris in the basement of the warehouse where Heisenberg builds his machine army. Redfield reveals to Ethan a dangerous-looking tank armed with a machine gun, chainsaw, and a very powerful rocket launcher, all with infinite ammo. The only trick now is knowing how to take out this massive enemy.


How to Beat Heisenberg in Resident Evil Village

Once Ethan hops onboard the kludged-together tank contraption and takes the elevator up to the conveniently placed battle arena, Heisenberg makes his entrance, cursing up a blue streak. As the player gains control, they should start firing at any spot on Heisenberg’s body that glows red. These fleshy bits are his weak points. The sparks flying off of his body are the clue that the player’s bullets are hitting their mark.

After taking enough damage, Heisenberg will summon giant plates of metal and construct a makeshift floating shield that orbits around him. Ethan needs to look for holes in the shield and fire everything he’s got. After enough damage, the giant blob of metal and flesh will throw the plates out into the arena, creating barriers that the player can hide behind. These barriers will be critical, as Heisenberg now rushes at the player and fires drills as lethal projectiles.

This process will repeat a couple of times until Ethan has done enough damage to Heisenberg that the boss starts dragging himself along the ground. Attacking the monster at this point will trigger the last section of the boss battle. Heisenberg will manifest a giant sword and swing it at Ethan’s tank, knocking him out of it and to the ground. The player will now need to equip whatever weapons they have at their disposal and continue attacking Heisenberg’s weak points. Players should watch out for his attacks which shouldn’t be too hard as they have obvious windup animations.

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Once Heisenberg has taken enough damage from small arms fire, another cutscene will trigger seeing Ethan thrown up into the air, at which point he encounters his tank again. He crawls on board, and when the game indicates, the player should fire one more rocket to end the battle.

The Heisenberg boss in Resident Evil Village is a pretty standard game boss battle full of bullets and explosions. But once it’s done, the weirdness returns as Miranda makes yet another appearance, which leads to some rather bloody consequences.

Resident Evil Village is available on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Google Stadia.

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