The newest addition to the long-running franchise, Resident Evil Village, fulfills the legacy of the series by being both action-packed and properly horrifying. There are many monstrous creatures that players will need to do their best to avoid and/or kill while they are exploring the world around them. Those who hope to survive will need to stay on their toes at all times so that they aren’t blindsided by some new creature.

One of the more difficult aspects of the game is when the player comes across one of the games many different bosses. While many of these bosses are very difficult to bring down there are few that will cause the player as much trouble as the final one in the game, Mother Miranda herself. The reason that Miranda is so difficult is because of the sheer number of attacks at her disposal and the amount of damage she is able to take before finally going down. This guide shows players how to defeat Mother Miranda in Resident Evil Village.


Resident Evil Village: How to Defeat Mother Miranda

When it comes to facing off against Mother Miranda players will want to know exactly what they are going up against because this boss has a wide array of different attacks that she can throw at them. The biggest thing to keep in mind when fighting her is to always be moving and to aim for her head whenever possible, while still ensuring that every shot taken is a guaranteed hit. Running out of ammo during this fight is the very last thing that any player wants. No matter how many upgrades and powerful weapons the player has picked up during the course of the game this fight will be a long one, so they will want to strap in.

When this fight begins it’s pretty straightforward because Miranda will just try to attack the player with her claws head-on. She tends to start in the center of the arena and then rush out in a straight line right towards the player to attack, so the player should move to the left or right when she does this to avoid taking damage. Immediately after dodging the player should turn and begin unloading into her with their shotgun or another powerful weapon but should be sure not to miss any shots. They will want to get ready to move since she will try to set up another claw attack after missing.

After a few claw attacks Miranda will eventually raise up giant tendrils of mold from the ground, and when this happens the player will want to rush behind one of them as quickly as possible. This is because the boss will start creating an orange ball of energy above her head in the center of the arena that will then start firing off projectiles. If one of these makes contact with the player they will be stunned and take a huge amount of damage. Standing behind one of the tendrils though will ensure that the player takes no damage at all from these projectiles and then the player just has to wait for this attack to finish. Miranda will then dash at the player to attack with her claws, so be prepared to quickly move left or right to avoid this attack. The player should try to bait Miranda to slash through several tendrils this way though because when these are destroyed they will drop supplies like ammo and healing materials. After dodging the player will want to continue attacking until they deal enough damage for Miranda to transform.

Her second form is much more deadly and faster than ever. During this form, Miranda will grow giant spider legs and her melee attacks become incredibly dangerous. She will rush at the player to attack with her front legs now, but the player will need to stay on the move when dodging left or right to avoid her. This is because with her last melee attack she can actually change direction rapidly and land a hit on the player. The player should move until she is done attacking and then hit her with a few blasts from a powerful weapon. She will continue doing this attack repeatedly, so the player will be forced to continue dodging and counterattacking.

What should really be looked out for though is when Miranda decides to jump up on top of the nearby wall. This gives the player time to hit her with the rifle from a distance, but they will also want to prepare themselves to move quickly. This is because Miranda will jump right off the stones and land directly on the player’s head to cause a huge amount of damage, but she will pause momentarily after landing. This allows the player to rush in and attack right after they dodge this attack to punish Miranda with some shotgun shells to the face.

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Miranda will eventually transform into her final form and fly high up in the air. From here she has several attacks that the player will need to look out for like her flying swoop attack that the player should just run to avoid taking damage from it at all. Eventually, she will hover in the air which opens her up for a couple of sniper rifle shots, but then she will start forming orange energy balls above her head again. The player should shoot these balls with whatever they have to avoid them being launched at them and taking a huge amount of damage. A great method here is to shoot Miranda with a grenade launcher round in order to deal damage to her and destroy the balls simultaneously. Once the player has dealt enough damage to her Miranda will switch into yet another form.

This time she is back on the ground and has resorted to attacking with her claws again, but the entire arena has been cast into darkness. Since the player will be unable to see very well they will have to keep an eye out for any slight movements and noises that signify that Miranda is trying to attack. They will need to shoot at her whenever she tries to attack in order to stun her, which will then dispel the darkness. Don’t try to dodge and attack though as she is able to disappear quickly after attacking.

The final part of the fight has Miranda switching between all of her different forms at will, which means that the player will have to stay on their toes to keep up with her. She will employ all of the same attacks though so the player just has to keep doing what they have done so far to finally bring her down. Keep in mind though that she does have one powerful attack that has her creating a giant ball of energy but there are no tendrils to hide behind. If this happens the player should attack the ball to destroy it, which will also stun Miranda momentarily. Players should just hit her with everything that they have and if at all possible they should prioritize crafting shotgun ammo to maximize the amount of damage they deal to her.

Resident Evil Village can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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