Throughout the campaign of Marvel’s Avengers players will face off against all kinds of difficult enemies. The main bad guys, AIM, have access to all kinds of different robots and soldiers that are capable of eliminating players who aren’t quick enough on their toes. Each fight will require that players know exactly what they are doing and understand how to dodge and attack enemies appropriately. Those who come unprepared will find themselves dying more often than winning.

The prologue of the game functions as a fairly simple tutorial for the most part that shows players how each of the main heroes works in combat. The only part of this tutorial that will really give players any kind of trouble is the boss fight against Taskmaster. This fight is mostly there to show players how to dodge properly and understand Black Widow’s countering abilities, but it can still be a pretty hard fight considering how early in the game it is. This guide shows players how to bring down Taskmaster in the first mission.


Marvel’s Avengers: How to Beat Taskmaster

At this point in the tutorial, players will luckily already been given the chance to fight against normal enemies so they should have a decent grasp on how combat works. They are still getting used to the Black Widow character though so Taskmaster can be a fairly difficult fight. They will first be tasked with a small QTE event as Black Widow attacks Taskmaster in the air. Once this is over the player will be dropped down to a small platform where they are shown how to dodge and shoot.

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Taskmaster will float in the air in front of the player before launching himself at them with his sword. As he flies at them players should dodge to the left or right to avoid his attack. As soon as they dodge, they should quickly pull up Black Widow’s pistols and fire a few rounds into his exposed jet pack to cause a solid amount of damage. His front is shield though, so the jetpack is the only place they can do real damage. After shooting draining a certain amount of his health players will eventually be able to bring Taskmaster down to an arena-like part of the map where the second part of the fight starts.

This part of the fight shows players how to properly dodge and attack during a one-on-one fight. Taskmaster will swing his sword at the player in either a single swipe or as part of a combo. Players will need to dodge these attacks and counter with their own combo when they see an opening. He should be attacked repeatedly when an opening comes up, but he will eventually start to try and attack again. Players will just need to keep dodging and attacking until his health drops a considerable amount.

At a certain point, Taskmaster will throw in a new move where he tosses out explosive devices around the players. Whenever players see a yellow marker appear above his head, that means he is about to start this attack. Rather than dodging, players have a better strategy at their disposal now. As soon as players see that yellow marker they can tap the right trigger to throw their grappling hook at Taskmaster and initiate a counter move. This will do a massive amount of damage to their enemy while also preventing his attack. Keep this up and Taskmaster will go down in no time at all.

Marvel’s Avengers can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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