Each mission in Hitman 3 has a list of challenges for players to complete in order to increase the number of points they are able to gain during a given level. Players who truly want to could always just kill everyone that they come across before taking out the main target, but this makes them into a very sloppy assassin. Instead, the player can complete these challenges that will show that they can take out their targets in the cleanest and most efficient ways possible.

Some of these challenges task the player will collecting objects throughout the level instead though, and some of them can wind up being incredibly difficult. All of the levels in the game task the player with completing the Chameleon challenge. This means the player will need to collect and wear all of the different costumes present in the level. It is by no means an easy feat to accomplish this as the player will need a solid understanding of each level to make this work. This guide shows players how to complete the Chameleon challenge in Dubai.


Hitman 3: How to Complete Dubai Chameleon Challenge

In total there are eleven unique costumes that the player will need to find and wear in order to complete the Chameleon challenge in Dubai. Some of these costumes are relatively easy to get and the player will probably acquire them as part of their normal trek through the level, but others still can be pretty difficult to track down for those who don’t know where to look. On top of this, it can very hard to get some of these NPCs secluded in order to take their outfit.

The upside to all of this though is that the Chameleon challenge doesn’t have to be completed in a single run, and it’s honestly smarter for the player to stretch it out over several runs through a level. This ensures that the player doesn’t dispatch nearly a dozen NPCs at once and risk alerting the guards to their presence. If a player wants to get their hands on all eleven costumes they will need to be patient and think carefully about each of their moves. Here are all eleven outfits and where to find them:

  • Event Staff – This one will seem very easy to acquire at first due to the fact that there are staff members all over the first floor of the area. The problem though is that the majority of staff members spend their time hanging out in very public areas. The player is more than welcome to just follow a member around until they go to a secluded area, but one of the smarter ways to do this is to sneak into the locked staff room using the code 4706. There are two different distracted staff members here that can be taken out to get the Event Staff costume.
  • Event Security – There aren’t nearly as many security personnel throughout this level, and they are equally as difficult to isolate from others. The best way to acquire this costume is for the player to go towards the entrance of the building from their starting location. Here they will find a lone security member who can be subdued in order to acquire the costume. The player will need to be careful though because there is nowhere nearby to hide the body.
  • Maintenance Staff – In order to acquire this one the player will need to make their way to the third floor. This can be done pretty easily by either getting a staff uniform to avoid detection or by hacking the windows with a camera to climb up to it. Once up there players can enter the Storage Room to take out the maintenance guy and acquire his uniform.
  • Penthouse Staff – On the fourth floor, the player will need to track down the lounge room. Here they will find a painting with giant Xs all over it. Next to this painting they can head down the corridor and then enter the first door on their right. Here they will find the penthouse staff member completely alone, and even a convenient place to hide their body.
  • Penthouse Guard – To track down a penthouse guard the player will need to go through the art gallery until they reach the end where there is a staff-only room. If they enter this room to find a ladder that goes up and then they will need to go through the door on their left. After going left again the player will then come across a room where three guards are walking past a balcony. After watching them pass the player will need to hop over the balcony and enter the room on the left to find a guard that can be taken out to acquire his uniform.
  • Art Crew – It is very likely that after acquiring this costume the player will probably need to restart the level due to not being able to get an art crew member on their own. The entirety of the crew all hangs out in the control room on the third floor. The player can sit around and hope that one goes to a more secluded area, but if not they will have to just shoot and kill all three of them to acquire a costume.
  • Kitchen Staff – On the first floor again players will need to go behind the drinks table to see the entrance to the kitchen, but keep in mind that the only way to enter this area without raising suspicion is to have some kind of disguise. Once in here, the player will need to take out one of the kitchen people, but there are a lot of guards in the area to avoid. Players can either kill everyone and restart the mission, or attempt to distract and subdue someone if they are able to.
  • Famous Chef – This is actually pretty easy to acquire since it must be done as part of one of the mission tracks. In the process of completing the Pick Your Poison Challenge in Dubai players will have no choice but to get the Chef outfit.
  • Assassin – On the ground floor players will discover another Assassin trying to make his way into the building. He hangs out in this area only, which means the player will have to work pretty hard to get him away from prying eyes. One great way to do this is to lead him behind a nearby wall to dispatch him and take his costume before being seen.
  • Helicopter Pilot – Players will first need to obtain the helicopter key, which is found inside the art installation area. Players will need to go to the backstage area here and check out the balcony area to get a key. All the player has to do then is go back to the helicopter in order to take out the pilot and acquiring his costume.
  • Ingram’s Bodyguard – This is not an easy costume to get. Players will first need to head from the helicopter and go up the ladder near the end of the walkway. The player will then need to peek inside the room on their left to see if Ingram is at the computer inside. If so his bodyguard will be there as well with his back to the player. The player will then need to strangle him with the fiber wire and hope that no one else sees it.

Hitman 3 can be played on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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