Pumpkins are a fruit block in Minecraft that can be cut into Carved Pumpkins or Jack o’Lanterns. To carve a Pumpkin, players will need to craft a pair of Shears, a tool used primarily to shear sheep and mine distinct block types. To make Shears in Minecraft, fans must procure two Iron Ingots. Iron Ingots can commonly be found within Minecraft treasure chests across a world’s various biomes, ranging from Mineshafts to Nether Fortresses. However, the most straightforward method of acquiring Iron Ingots is smelting Iron Ore.

Iron Ore, also known as “Iron,” is a mineral block that naturally generates between Y: 72 and Y: -64. Players will find the most ore between Y: -24 and Y: 56, while Level Y: 16 has the highest chance of spawning ore. Once players collect two blocks, they can place the Iron within a regular stone Furnace or Blast Furnace. A Furnace can be made using eight blocks of Cobblestone, while a Blast Furnace costs a Furnace, five Iron Ingots, and three Smooth Stone blocks. Smooth Stone comes from smelting Cobblestone within a Furnace.


Once players craft their Shears using two Iron Ingots, they will be able to carve one side of a Pumpkin to make a Jack o’Lantern in Minecraft. Players can use Carved Pumpkins in several unique ways. The first technique is using the Jack o’Lantern as a helmet by wearing it via the character’s equipment menu. The Pumpkin provides no armor bonuses, but it will prevent an Enderman from becoming enraged when a player stares at him.

How To Use Carved Pumpkins In Minecraft

Carved Pumpkins can also be used to make Golems in Minecraft, namely the Snow Golem and Iron Golem. To make a Snow Golem, players must place down two blocks of snow and use a Jack o’Lantern as its head. Snow Golems will hurl snowballs at hostile mobs, making them great make-shift ranged defenses as long as the enemy doesn’t reach them. The Iron Golem, a much more formidable creature, can be created using four blocks of Iron, with two as the body and two forming the arms. While this recipe costs many Minecraft Iron Ingots to make, the Iron Golem is one of the best means of defense for one’s home.

The final way players can use Carved Pumpkins in Minecraft is for structural decoration. Like the Spore Blossoms of the Lush Caves, players will often enjoy having a block more for its decorative qualities than its utility. The Jack o’Lantern is perfect for spooky, Halloween-themed buildings and structures in Minecraft.

Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

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