One of the main activities for players to participate in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic is the weekly mission called Conquest. With the current version of the game, 6.3.2a at the time of writing, players are able to participate in Conquest by completing almost any activity in-game. This means that no matter what level players are at, if they prefer PVP or PVE, or participating in Starfighter, the majority of activities will earn players Conquest Points for the weekly Conquest Rewards.

Currently, there are two main parts to Conquest in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Personal Conquest Goal that every player is able to participate in by simply playing the game and earning 50K conquest points to attain the rewards. The second is Guild Conquest or Guild Invasions, where players who join guilds have the option to earn additional rewards. These awards also have point thresholds that can be met to increase the number of materials received as well.


To start, players will receive a quest called Introduction to Conquests when they reach level 10 automatically in Star Wars: The Old Republic, which they can find in their Personal Missions Log. Next to the Missions tab is the Conquest tab where they then can see the progress, they have made toward the Personal Conquest Goal, the theme of Conquest that week, and all activities plus the amount of Conquest XP they award. If players are a part of a guild, the tab next to Conquest, Guild Invasion, will provide them information on their guild’s progress, which planet they are invading, and rank among other guilds.

SWTOR Conquest Reward Tiers

For Star Wars: The Old Republic characters at the level cap of 75, the personal conquest rewards include an Equipment Case, 100 Tech Fragments, Gathering Lockbox, four 25k Credit Certificates, and four Solid Resource Matrix. Player characters that are not at level 75 will receive a Gathering Lockbox, Complimentary Minor Class Mission Experience Boost, Satchel of Companion Gifts, four 25k Credit Certificates, and an equipment cache of gear for their present level. Additionally, players that complete guild conquest point thresholds will also receive additional an additional Equipment Case, Tech Fragments, Credit Certificates and Resource Matix, and a Reinforcement Component, with the option to pick either a Command Encryption or Satchel of Crafting Materials, which are rewards exclusive to SWTOR Guild Conquest Goals.

For players who have unlocked their Strongholds in Old Republic, they are also able to boost the amount of Conquest points they earn for completing activities by fully unlocking them. They do not need to be fully decorated, which was a condition in previous updates, and instead only need to have the rooms unlocked to earn the bonus. As Conquest has had significant changes over the past few updates, these guidelines could also change again with the upcoming Legacy of the Sith update and yearlong tenth-anniversary celebration, but if the past quality of life changes are an indicator of what to potentially expect, it likely will bring even more to do in the SWTOR galaxy.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is available on Steam and PC.

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