Ghost os Tsushima: Legends is a brand new multiplayer expansion to the already critically acclaimed open-world RPG. Players will dawn 4 different classes and work together to complete raid-like missions. These missions, or Stories, are narrated by non-other than Greg Baldwin, or as many Avatar/Legend of Kora fans know him, Uncle Iroh.

There are a handful of different ways to play Legends. Players can load into lobbies with random people, or play together with friends for more optimized communication. The game does offer a ping system that is useful, but not entirely reliable. No matter how one plays, they’ll always be earning Essence and Honor. However, there is one more piece of ‘currency’ that players will be earning. This guide will focus on how players can best earn Blessings in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends and what they do.


Ghost of Tsushima Legends: Blessings & How to Use Them

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is all about completing missions and challenges in order to unlock better gear. There is no store to allow for micro-transactions of any kind. As players complete stories, they’ll unlock better pieces of gear. Those piece of gear will increase their overall Ki (level) and allow them to play more difficult stories. Playing those harder stories will earn players more Essence and Honor. As far as Blessings are concerned, there are a few different ways to earn them.

In the bottom left of the screen will be three Daily Challenges. Each challenge will reward players with X number of Blessings upon completion. Players can re-roll challenges in hopes of an easier one. The challenges will offer players side-objectives to complete while playing (i.e. Assassinate enemies from above 0/30). Players can either choose to focus on these challenges while completing missions or just let them slowly complete themselves.

The absolute best way to complete these challenges is to play survival mode. Survival will pit players against multiple waves of enemies as they work to defend different areas on the map. While the games do last a while. (20-30 minutes Bronze/Silver & 45-60 minutes Gold/Nightmare) players will have far more opportunities to complete their daily challenges.

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Secondarily to daily challenges, players can complete bonus objects when playing Stories, specifically Goyzen’s Curse. Players can activate Goyzen’s curse while traversing between chapters of a particular story. They’ll see him waiting in front of the gate before entering the next chapter. Bother/all players will have to accept the challenge for it to take effect. There are two known effects that the curse can take. One will reduce the player’s HP by half during the next chapter. The other curse will tether players together and deal small amounts of damage if they stray too far apart. Between the two, the tether curse is far easier to work with so long as players are operating as a team. However, there is no way of telling which curse players will be “gifted”. If players have continues remaining (on silver difficulty) it’s worth risking one for the extra rewards, which are usually in the form of blessings. Players can also dismantle rare or better gear in exchange for Blessings, Essence, and Honor.

So what are Blessings used for? It’s a little confusing at first. Blessings, along with Essence and Honor, are used to Reforge gear of rare or better quality. This will grant players a completely different piece of gear be it a Katana, Ranged weapon, or Ghost Weapon. Blessings are also used to re-roll for different Perks on said gear. For example, a Rare Moon Katana’s perk may be Wind Stance (allows switching to Wind Stance). As players know from the main campaign, witching stances are imperative to defeating different types of Mongols. Players could spend their Blessings in hopes of a different Perk. Be warned, there’s no going back once the perk is changed.

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends’ Leveling system works similarly to that of Destiny and Marvel’s Avengers. Players will constantly be unlocking better gear to increase their overall level. This means players should NOT urbane their gear until they plateau as far as gear level is concerned. Remember, there is always a better piece of gear around the corner, especially in the early game. Players are advised to stockpile their Blessings and spend them once they’ve reached some inking of a soft-cap.

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Ghost of Tsushima is available on PlayStation 4

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