JP or Job Points are an important part of leveling the player characters within Bravely Default 2. While most jobs that players can complete offer JP alongside experience, players can specifically hunt for JP Orbs alone. This will be quicker and can either be divided up amongst the party or given to one character in particular.

However, this process does take quite a bit of prep work for it to work the best that it can. This will maximize how many JP Orbs are collected, what type, and how many job points they turn into once placed on a character. So here’s the best way to farm JP Orbs.


Prepping for JP Orb Hunting in Bravely Default 2

After reaching the snowy region within the game after chapter three has been completed, players should be able to start prepping. One of the first things players should do to prep for hunting down as much JP as possible is to bring all of the party members up to the 10th or 12th level within the Thief class. While making it the primary Job for all of the player characters.

This will unlock one or two traits that are incredibly useful here. Magpie is the trait that can be unlocked at the 10th level. This trait offers a 25% boost in the chance to steal a rare item. This is handy, as the JP Orbs are considered rare items. At level 12, the player gains access to the Rob Blind trait. Which allows players to collect two items instead of one every time they pickpocket an enemy.

Next, players should head to the trader in Rimedahl. This shop sells Thief gloves which the player will need eight of. Two for each member of the party. Each of these gloves grants a 15% increase in a chance to steal, which is perfect for this farming route. Players should also work to outfit all of their party with spears and the Spearhead trait. While the players won’t be fighting their enemies, they will now be able to go first in every situation, even with enemies that runoff.

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The Best Way to Hunt for JP Orbs in Bravely Default 2

Finally, once all the prep work is completed, players can head down to the Jaws of Judgement to test out their farming skills. Here they can click on the mimic chests to enter battles with the Wiki-Wiki birds. These birds, in a normal encounter, would be incredibly difficult to hit and run off as soon as physically possible. However, due to the Spearhead trait, all of the player characters will go first, giving them a proper chance to steal as many orbs as possible.

Once the one or two medium JP Orbs have been stolen off of one of the Wiki-Wiki birds, players can simply select the next enemy in line to steal from. Continue down the line until players have stolen JP Orbs off of most or all of the enemies and then quickly flee from the fight and the mimic chest. This will allow the mimic chest to completely respawn this battle so players can endlessly spam it for JP.

However, there is another smart method to making the JP stretch further than it normally would. In most instances, using a Medium JP Orb on any character would grant them 150 JP. Unfortunately, not very much for all that work. Players can conceivably complete roughly two battles per minute. With a max of 12 Medium JP Orbs, that’s still only 1,800 JP per minute. Which splits out to 450 JP per character per minute at max. To maximize this further, players can also add two passive abilities.

These are JP Up, and JP Up and Up. Applying both of these traits to each of the characters will multiply the amount of JP earned from each Orb by 1.7. Granting each of the characters 255 JP per medium orb instead of 150. Adding up to a grand maximum total of 3,060 JP per minute or 765 per character per minute.

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Bravely Default 2 is available on Nintendo Switch.

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