There are various different types of monsters for players to track down and hunt in Monster Hunter Rise. Some of these creatures are massively terrifying, and are capable of wiping players out with just a few hits. Other beasts are lightning-fast and can hit the player several times before they even know what is going on. Others still are strange and creepy and use odd techniques to eliminate their foes.

The Almudron is one of those strange monsters. This beast likes to lurk in muddy areas where nothing can see it before leaping out at the last second to attack its prey. Not only this but it oozes as an acid liquid from its tail that can be used to dissolve nearby land in order to further trap any creatures that come close to it. This guide shows players where to find the Almudron and how to bring one down.


Monster Hunter Rise: How to Find and Defeat an Almudron

In order to find an Almudron players will want to begin by searching the Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, or Flooded Forest areas of the game. Once in one of these locations, the player will then want to start looking around any bodies of water where there are muddy areas. Before tracking one down though the player will want to ensure that they have the best gear available for the job. The Almudron uses the Water element, so players will want to equip any armor they have that is resistant to Water. They will also want to bring a weapon along with them that uses the Fire element since Almudron will be very weak to it.

The big issue with fighting this monster is that its tail is used to release golden mud that will harm the player and eat away at the ground beneath them. This can in turn lead to the player being stuck in mud that is hard to move around in. That means that the player will want to avoid the golden mud as much as possible. The player can also disable the tail by attacking it whenever they possibly can. This will slowly chip away at the mud surrounding the tail and eventually make it unable to release the golden mud. The tail also is a weak point so this will deal a large amount of damage to the creature.

Monster Hunter Risecan be played on PC.

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