Among the many monsters and creatures within Monster Hunter Rise, none are the same, but the Bishaten is especially interesting. This creature appears like a mixture of a bat, monkey, bird, and dragon. However, it acts much like a squirrel, collecting different fruits and throwing them from a high perch at its enemies.

This creature can be a bit more difficult to hunt as it likes to stay high up and is swift. Alongside the fact that it is a bit of a trickster as players will have to dodge the fruit that will have different ailments associated with them. Before any talk of immunities and weaknesses, the player will need to know where to look for the Bishaten.


How to Track Down and Hunt a Bishaten in Monster Hunter Rise

The Bishaten can be found in two main places, the Shrine Ruins, and the Flooded Forest. When heading out to these areas, players should keep an eye on the sky and any structure that sits higher up in the air. Usually, they will be hanging by their tail. Watch out for their flying fruit, if the player can dodge the fruit they can pick it up for themselves and throw them back at the Bishaten. Depending on the type of fruit that goes flying it can cause the player to be Poisoned or Stunned.

However, the Bishaten will still eventually fly down into the melee range of the player to fight them if frustrated with not being able to hit their target. In this situation, there are a couple of damage times that are best for the player to use. These include Cutting, Blunt, and Ammo damage. Cutting is the most useful. While these damage types are the best, players should also consider bringing a frost weapon to try and slow down this acrobatic beast. The Bishaten is immune to Water and Dragon damage so avoid those types of weapons.

As far as getting an ailment on the creature, players should focus on using Blast and Iceblight. The Iceblight, much like the Ice weapons will slow the creature down, while the Bishaten is simply weak to the Blast. Lastly, players should focus on dealing damage to the softer parts of the Bishaten’s body to deal the most damage. The best areas to do this to are the head, wings, and tail.

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Monster Hunter Rise is available on Nintendo Switch and PC.

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