Monster Hunter Rise has brought back many familiar beasts for fans to battle and slay, but there are plenty of new ones added to the roster as well. One of them is Magnamalo, a powerful creature that will strike fear into new and old fans alike.

Magnamalo is a member of the Fanged Wyvern species, it’s body is covered in dangerously sharp spikes. On top of that, it can manifest ominous purple flames known as hellfire and use them to launch devastating attacks. As menacing as it sounds, defeating it is well worth the challenge. The materials it drops as loot are used to craft several armor sets and the sinister weapons, which allow their wielder to harness Magnamalo’s power by boosting their attack when they’re afflicted with hellfire. To hunt down Magnamalo, here are the locations it can be found in, as well as some strategies to defeat it.


Defeating Magnamalo in Monster Hunter Rise

Before setting out to hunt Magnamalo, it’s important to choose the right equipment to bring into battle. Both blunt and cutting type weapons will deal roughly the same amount of damage, so choose either of those. Ammo-based weapons deal the least to this beast, who can also use its hellfire in ranged attacks, so taking those weapon types is not recommended. Further, it is completely immune to dragon and fire elemental attacks, so don’t take those either. Instead, the best elementals to use against it are water and thunder. Also, stock up on deodorant, as it will cure players of the hellfire blight effect that Magnamalo can inflict them with.

Once the hunter has loaded out their gear and eaten some Dango, it’s time to search for Magnamalo. It’s found in three different locations: Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, and the Frost Islands. Before engaging with Magnamalo, it’s best to attack after, or during, a turf war. The Monster Hunter world has its own ecosystem, and different species will attack and prey on one another. There are many different species Magnamalo fights, like Rathalos and Aknosom, so try to lure either of the monsters together using the Wailnard creature. After they’ve fought one another, Maganamalo will be weakened from the fight, making it easier to take down.

Despite its bulk, Magnamalo has terrifying mobility. It can lunge towards its prey at fast speeds, so no hunter can lower its guard when fighting it. There are times where it will become vulnerable after it lunges, so this is a great opportunity to get a hit in. Direct attacks on Magnamalo’s head will do the most damage to it, but its arms or tailblade are also notable weak points. Where the hunter will be when an opening arises will vary, but prioritize attacking whichever of those three are closest. Those who make use of water and thunder elements will deal the most damage when striking its hind legs, which are easily reached after the aforementioned lunges. Keep a close eye on its tail though, as it can swiftly swing it around to deal damage, as well as conjure up devastating hellfire attacks. Given the rate at which Magnamalo attacks, it’s best to strike once or twice then back off.

Monster Hunter Rise is available on Nintendo Switch.

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