Completing all of the different quests throughout Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is no easy feat. Players can travel around the world and check out dozens of different islands and states to explore. They can also do things like join the arena and become the world champion, or even find love in the arms of many different NPCs in the game. One of the most challenging and fun activities to complete though is tracking down and killing all of the Mythical Beasts.

By far the strongest and most difficult of these four beasts is the Minotaur. This legendary monster is located deep within the labyrinth, and players will be forced to traverse this deadly area before they can confront it. On top of this, there are a lot of things that must be done before players can even find the labyrinth. This guide is here to show players what all they must do to bring down the Minotaur.


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: How to Find the Labyrinth

In order to start this very long quest, players will need to travel to Knossos Palace in Messara. Once here they will find a young boy named Ardos who will tell the player that his father went looking for the Minotaur and never returned. This starts a quest line called Myths and Minotaurs, and in order to complete it, players will first need to obtain the key to the labyrinth.

This itself is no small feat though as several smaller quests will first need to be completed. The smaller side quests that need to be completed will be assigned to the player in the quest screen under the “Of Minotaurs and Men” quest header. Here there are three missions that need to be completed:

  • Talk to Swordfish
  • Talk to Collector
  • Talk to Ardos’ Caretaker

Players should probably go and talk to the Collector first because once talking to him they can mostly ignore the questline unless they are completionists. The collector tells the player to find Theseus’ armor that he used in his fight against the Minotaur and implies that the player will need it to bring the creature down. Sadly, this armor is not very special so players are better off not worrying about it too much.

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The Swordfish though is a completely different affair. The Swordfish is hidden somewhere in the area and in order to find him the player will need to speak to villagers and do some odd jobs for them. This will eventually show The Swordfish’s location where players can go and speak to him. Players will then need to kill the man and leave to go and track down Ardos’ caretaker.

Ardos’ caretaker is technically the only thing that players are actually required to do, so those who want to push through the Labyrinth quest as quickly as possible can always just skip to this task. Players will need to travel to the caretaker’s home only to discover that the man has been kidnapped by the Cult of Kosmos. Players can sneak into the area around nightfall in order to untie the old man without alerting any of the guards. They then just have to run away with him and he will give the player more information about the Labyrinth. If the player wants they can convince the caretaker to go back and take care of Ardos’. Depending on what the player chooses will alter Ardos’ fate when this questline is over.

From here players then just have to return to Ardos and speak to him. Whether they completed all three quests or just the caretaker quest Ardos should be ready to send the player to the Labyrinth. As it turns out the boy had the key the entire time and was only trying to get you to run odd jobs for him. Players can then take this key and travel to the Labyrinth to bring down the mighty Minotaur.

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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Navigating the Labyrinth

Players will find the Labyrinth back at the Knossos Palace area. Finding the maze is easy, but navigating it is a completely different story. Once players enter the maze they will be shown a glowing string that leads through the labyrinth that was left by Ardos’ father. It is up to the player if they want to follow this in order to find the man, but following the string will at least get them halfway through it. Once players reach the end of the string they will find Ardos’ father, but sadly the man died before reaching the end.

Once the player reaches the body they will need to turn around and leap across a gap near the end of the string. From here players will be able to keep following the pathway, and luckily the Minotaur has marked the appropriate path with a series of skulls on sticks. Keep following these skulls and eventually, players will be lead to the monster’s lair. Players should look around while walking through and they will come across some new weapons or gear that could prove useful against the Minotaur.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Fighting the Minotaur

After this incredibly long journey, players will finally be able to face off against the Minotaur itself. There is no trick to this fight as the Minotaur is pure brute force, so players will need to keep their guard up and do their best to avoid its many powerful attacks. The best strategy is for players to keep themselves just outside of the range of the monster’s axe and fire arrows at it. This will stop them from being hit by wide axe swings, but also give them the opportunity to punish the Minotaur with a few swings of their own when he overreaches. The Minotaur also has a very powerful ground pound attack that players should run away from as soon as they see the beast start to jump.

Once players have managed to chip away half of the Minotaur’s health he will become enraged and begin smashing up the area. This will drastically reduce the size of the environment the player has been fighting the beast in, which makes staying outside its range all the more important. The monsters attack patterns don’t change though so players will just need to keep doing what they did before to bring its health down. The only other strategy that players can employ is using any fire arrows that they have available to deal some extra damage and end the fight faster.

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Once players have finally brought the beast down they will be able to rip a brand new Piece of Eden out of its horn, and then they must return to Ardos to inform him off the fate of his father. This completes the mission and gives the player some more very interesting rewards. For all of their troubles they receive the Minotaur figurehead for the ship, a large axe called the Minotaur’s Labrys that does extra damage against boss enemies, and an engraving that lets a player’s overpower ability only cost one adrenaline point.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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