Throughout the course of Resident Evil Village players will have to face off against a terrifyingly large number of deadly creatures. Each different enemy type in the game has its own specific weaknesses and strengths that the player will need to know if they hope to survive against them. Lycans in particular will then to cause players a lot of issues throughout the entirety of the game.

One of the strongest types of Lycans that the player will face off against in Resident Evil Village is the Varcolacs which very much resemble legitimate werewolves. These giant wolf-like creatures are capable of bringing the player down in just a few hits and are faster than pretty much any other being in the game. Within these monsters, though there is one who stands above the rest named the Varcolac Alfa, and it is a pain to bring down. This guide shows players how to find and defeat the Varcolac Alfa.


Resident Evil Village: How to Find and Beat Varcolac Alfa

In order to search for the Varcolac Alfa players will first need to progress through the game’s main story until they have completed the Moreau section of the game. Once done they will be able to follow some signs towards The Stronghold, but instead, the player should make a pit stop in the village and choose to check out Luiza’s house instead. On the way there the player will reach the field just outside and notice a large beast roaming around in the wheat field. This is Varcolac Alfa, and the player will need to hope they are prepared to fight this beast.

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The player will need to bring a few things with them if they want to fight this upgraded Lycan. Mines and pipe bombs are excellent weapons to have with them during the course of this fight, and it is also a great idea to have ammo for the rifle, magnum, and grenade launcher. Additionally, the player should try their best to upgrade these weapons in whatever way they possibly can to ensure that they are ready to face off against this beast. Once the player has their weapons selected and amped up they are ready to go up against the Varcolac Alfa.

The first thing the player should do is locate the small shack to their left that has an entry point. This enemy is too large to enter doorways, so this is a great place to retreat to when things become overwhelming. The player should walk towards the Varcolac and place a mine right in between them and step back towards the shack. Players can then begin shooting the beast with their rifle to draw its attention. Since this beast moves fast the player will want to switch to their magnum whenever possible and begin shooting it in the head as it rushes towards them. When the Varcolac hits them, it will be knocked over and stunned momentarily, which will allow the player to unload their magnum a few more times at it before quickly running inside the nearby building.

After doing this the Varcolac will retreat back to the field, so the player should exit the building and repeat the same process. If the player runs out of mines or magnum bullets they can easily switch to using their grenade launcher and shotgun as replacements to continue dealing damage. Eventually, this beat will go down and the player will earn a very valuable skeleton.

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Resident Evil Village can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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