Grounded is a miniature survival game that pits a group of pre-teen kids into the backyard of suburbia as they have to find a way to reverse their current situation. This game comes with the standard tropes like any other survival game, which includes crafting. One of the most important elements to collect is quartzite and this guide will explain where to obtain it and how to use it.

Released on July 28, 2020, by Obsidian Entertainment, this game takes homage to the classic 1989 movie Honey, IShrunk The Kids. After a science experiment went array, four kids are shrunk down into the size of an insect and they have to scurry around their backyard and find ways to overcome mother nature. Players are free to choose between four avatars at the start of the game that each come with a distinct personality. This game can be played in either first or third-person perspective and there are various ways to customize the character. Despite the animated design of this game, real-world vital statistics still play as a crucial component in Grounded. Hunger, hydration, and sleep will all need to be respected and tended to on a regular basis. Collecting dewdrops and hunting aphids will be the basic strategy for storing up on nutrition and there will be danger at every turn. Weapons will need to be made from scratch and there will be a need to constantly upgrade equipment due to the steady ramping up of difficulty within this game.


Needless to say, the harmless insects that people encounter in their backyard every day are now a terrifying menace in Grounded. Ants will attack players from all angles, wolf spiders will hunt players and destroy their bases, and stinkbugs will smog the area. Luckily, there are neutral NPCs in this game that can be beneficial for the player and even help them out sometime. Ladybugs, for example, will lead players to sources of food and gnats can be used for crafting. Of course, the main goal for this game (like any other survival game) is building up a camp and steadily finding resources to keep building tools. As any construction worker would know, there are basic foundations that need to be laid in order to erect a structure. When it comes to Grounded, one of the most difficult resource to locate is quartzite. They are fundamentally important in regards to making buildings, tools, and weapons. In order to obtain this resource, there is an essential tool that will need to be crafted first.

Where To Find Quartzite In Grounded

The hammer is the only tool in Grounded that will help players obtain quartzite. So, it’s advised to craft it as soon as possible to avoid any frustration. It’s also a rather handy weapon, too. Quartzite as basically smaller chunks of quartz that will need to be broken down with the hammer. Quartz is found underground throughout various caverns that are laced throughout the map. Usually, these caverns are guarded by enemies of a certain type and its advised to not enter any holes in the ground unarmed. If players manage to clean out a cavern, keep in mind that quartz’s do regenerate over time. So, always go back for more if needed and farm. The three best places to find quartzites are:

  • The cave to the East that’s blocked with two acorns
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This cave is crawling with larvae and going in with a spear (or any other weapon) is advised. They can be a bit tough to beat, so be sure to use blocks frequently when fighting.

  • Southwest pylon’s subterranean cave

There’s a cave underneath Southwest Pylon and be sure not to go in until the Mysterious Machine is turned on. Inside the cave, there are lawn mites munching on a cable. Clear them out and make way toward the end of the cave. This is where a few hunks of quartzes will be located.

  • Northwest of the field station (The Anthill)

This shouldn’t be explored until players are upgraded later in the game. The best tactic to use is going in with a full set of Ant Armor. This will render the ants harmless and they’ll ignore you. Otherwise, players will be fighting tooth and nail and chances are they won’t get very far. If a player manages to get in, they will find that this is a large cave will an assortment of twists and turns. It can be easy to get lost, but there are quartzes peppered all over the place.

What Quartzites Are Used For In Grounded

It’s imperative to stack up on quartzites in Grounded because without them in the inventory can spell disaster for the player. Building basic camps and big elaborate bases is the main goal in this game and they will be attacked regularly by various enemies. Therefore, there will be a need to rebuild damaged areas which will be a constant occurrence. On top of that, finding clean, drinkable water will also be an issue. Luckily, quartzites can rectify all these problems. There are three fundamental recipes that quartzites are used for.

  • Repair Tool 
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This is used for fixing damaged structures in a player’s camp.

  • Dew Collector

Instead of hunting for water all the time, this will automatically collect and store dew at the comfort at a player’s camp.

  • Fuzz on the Rocks

This is a recipe that’ll make a special smoothie at the smoothie station.

Quartzites will help establish a steady source of nutrition and keep everything in good standing. The constant search for water and other resources can be a grind and this is why storing up on quartzites is recommended. After the aforementioned areas have been cleared out, just wait a little while for them to regenerate. Usually, it takes up to five days for a whole block of quartz to come back. Therefore, feel free to always go back to the caverns and dig up to quartzites whenever needed.

Grounded is available on Xbox and Microsoft Windows

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