The third DLC for Borderlands 3has finally dropped with an interesting setting that can basically be summed up as “Cowboys and Katanas”. Gearbox has always found creative ways to embed their brand of humor into their games, and this latest add on isn’t shy about it by way of mixing the Wild West with some Japanese “aesthetic”.

Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood is the first DLC to introduce all-new characters alongside an all-new planet, without dipping into any preexisting characters to tell the story. The Vault Hunters catch wind of a hefty bounty on the planet Gehenna and quickly zero in to make the score. The Calypso’s may have been dealt with but the Borderlands universe is so wrought with conflict, Gearbox show’s players that they can practically be taken anywhere and do anything and there still be no end to the looting and shooting. Here’s how players can find and begin the DLC.


How to Find and Start Bounty of Blood in Borderlands 3

A feature unique to Borderlands 3 is the ability to start new story content directly from the main menu with the already currently loaded character. Simply access the “Start Downloadable Content” sub-menu from “Play” in the main menu and select Bounty of Blood after it’s been downloaded to the relative platform. If players want to start the new DLC with a new character, simply select “New Game” and choose which campaign to begin which will skip the tutorial aspect of the story. After selecting the story of choice, select a new character to begin anew with and players will start the DLC with a level 13 Vault Hunter. Unfortunately, only 3 weapon slots will be accessible and both the Artifact and Class Mod slot will be locked. So, prepare to be a little handicapped.

To locate the DLC in-game, players will have to fast travel to Sanctuary if that wasn’t the last saved point location. DLC in Borderlands is initiated in-game by accepting them in the form of a quest. While the first and Second DLC were located within the respective locations of the leading characters “Mad Moxxi and Hammerlock”, Bounty of Blood is located near the fast travel machine on top of the second center table in between the Vault Hunters lodgings. A never before seen wanted poster will be on the table next to it signifying the nature of this story, a bounty hunt. Happy hunting Vault Hunters.

Borderlands 3 is available on PC, Xbox, and PS4.

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