Rust is a game with a huge playable map that players usually have to traverse by walking. Fortunately, players can now take to the skies with the Mini-Copter and find loot and raid bases like never before.

Even back in 2013, Rust has always been a game about building up from basically nothing. When you first load into a server, you start with only a torch and a rock that you can use to hack at trees and big stones for resources. From these humble beginnings, players can work together – or solo – to create towering bases with working electrical doors and arm themselves with guns and armor to raid and loot other players built fortresses. Players can even wire up working CCTV cameras to keep an eye on their bases. The map itself is large and gives players a ton of locations to loot and build. However, it is only recently that Facepunch Studios, developers of Rust, have added new means of transportation to help players get around the map such as the Mini-Copter. True to its name, the Mini-Copter is a miniature helicopter made from scrap metal that is perfect for just a player and their friend to fly around the map quickly. Stay tuned and this guide will show you not only how to fly a Mini-Copter, but it will also reveal some general things to know about finding and using one in Rust.


How to fly a Mini-Copter in Rust

Controlling the Mini-Copter will use your standard movement keys and the mouse. Upon first entering the Mini-Copter, press your forward movement key (W) to start the rotor. Continuing to hold the forward key will cause the Mini-Copter to lift off the ground, but if your overhead is obstructed by trees or a roof, you can hold down the Control Key (CTRL) to drive the Mini-Copter on the ground. While in driving mode, players can use the movement keys to maneuver as if they were just controlling their player. When lifting off in a safe location, hold the forward key to gain height while gently and slightly moving your mouse forward to position the nose of the Mini-Copter down a little bit. You do not want the nose pointing all the way down, but just enough so the Mini-Copter doesn’t fly backward on liftoff. You will need to hold the forward key the entire time the Mini-Copter is in flight or the rotor will shut off and the Mini-Copter will descend. Once you are at the desired height in your Mini-Copter, push your mouse forward to aim the nose of the Mini-Copter further down and traveling forward. The lower the Mini-Copter’s nose is pointed, the faster you will go. Players will need to find a sweet spot for their mouse and the Mini-Copter’s nose so that they are moving forward at a good speed, but not diving to the ground. To turn left, use the left movement key (A) and the Mini-Copter will rotate counter-clockwise. To turn right, use the right movement key (D) and the Mini-Copter will instead rotate Clockwise. When turning left or right, the Mini-Copter will also lean in that direction so make sure to compensate for that with gentle mouse movement in the opposite direction. To land, pull the nose of the Mini-Copter up to slow down and level out. Once it is level, let go of the forward key and steadily hover down to the ground. To descend to the ground quickly, hold the backward movement key (S). Once landed, press the backward movement key to plant the Mini-Copter on the ground and at this point, players can get out safely or hold down CTRL to drive it into a hangar or another safe location.

Things to Know About The Mini-Copter in Rust:

Although flying is the best way to get around the map quickly, the Mini-Copter can use up a lot of fuel, about 30 low-grade fuel per minute. Therefore, unless fuel is in abundance, joy-rides can be a quick waste of resources. The Mini-Copter also only has two seats in total, one for the pilot and one for a passenger. The player in the pilot seat can only control the Mini-Copter, but the player in the passenger seat can still access their inventory and use guns and repair hammers. Both players in the Mini-Copter can also use the ALT key while on the ground or in-flight to look behind them and check for any pursuers. Players can also hold down ALT to look behind at the fuel tank and refill it mid-flight. Mini-Copters can be found mostly alongside roads, but it seems the developers are trying to move away from this. Instead, Mini-Copters will be available for purchase at Safe Zones for 750 scrap. If you’ve found a Mini-Copter alongside a road, be sure to check the status of its health before getting in. The Mini-Copter has 750HP at maximum, but it often spawns with much less. If you come across one that is particularly weak, consider repairing it before flying it to ensure that it is not easily shot down. Since the Mini-Copter can only hold two and only the passenger is able to use their weapons, the Mini-Copter is best used for quickly getting to faraway loot spots or airdrops instead of large raids. It also doesn’t offer players a lot of cover, so pilots and passengers can be easily shot out. If you are a passenger on the Mini-Copter and your pilot is shot out, you can press X to switch to the pilot’s seat in order to take control of the Mini-Copter before it crashes. You can also quickly switch to the passenger seat as the pilot to quickly repair it or fire a few warning shots before switching back and preventing a crash. Overall, the Mini-Copter is a phenomenal way for Rust players to traverse the map and easily find spots to loot and raid.

Rust is available on PC.

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