The hit ABC legal drama cum crime thriller How To Get Away With Murder had a talented ensemble cast led by the stunning Viola Davis. The latter won a Primetime Emmy for her power-packed performance as the feisty defense lawyer, Annalise Keating.

Annalise was undoubtedly one of the most assertive women on popular television for a while, but her character was also deeply layered and complex. Annalise and her cronies took fans through a juggernaut of murders, cover-ups, and intrigues, during which Annalise did things and acted in ways that were both extraordinary and shocking. Here are some of the worst and the best things Annalise Keating did.

10 Worst: Seduced A Married Man Who Was Also Her Shrink

Annalise had seduced Sam Keating, who had been her shrink at the time, and also a married man.

First of all, it’s controversial as to why she thought she needed a shrink after she had an affair with Eve. But that aside, she still broke several professional and ethical parameters when she seduced her psychiatrist, who on top of everything else, was married.

9 Best: Took Wes Off The Wait List

Although his association with Annalise did not prove great in hindsight, the feisty law professor’s effort to use her influence and give Wes the opportunity to work towards a career in law was commendable.

Taking Wes under her wings was Annalise’s penance, as was revealed later, for she felt responsible for driving his mother to her death years ago. Even though things went horribly wrong shortly after, and Wes became involved in Sam’s murder before dying a shocking death, Annalise’s efforts to help him cannot be discounted.


8 Worst: Threw Judge Millstone Under The Bus

Annalise was a remarkable woman and a great defense lawyer but she did often resort to unscrupulous means to win a case, or to push under the rug the many cover-ups and other illegal activities her little brood of law students were embroiled in.

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During one such manipulative deal, Annalise handed over incriminating records to the then D.A, Todd Denver against Judge Millstone. The latter was a federal judge and Asher’s dad and it was Annalise’s backroom deal with Denver that drove him to take his life in humiliation. Not only was it a rather despicable move by Annalise, she also broke her promise to Asher in the process that she would leave his father out of her dealings.

7 Best: Took Bonnie On

Bonnie, Annalise’s right hand in the clinic, was also one of her closest confidants and friends, to the point that each became unhealthily co-dependent on the other.

But before their relationship became twisted, Annalise had gone out of her way to help Bonnie along in her life, suggesting that she should go through law school and then offering to take her in as an apprentice. This was certainly a great gesture on her part, although once again this was her trying to make up for her past treatment of Bonnie.

6 Worst: Destroyed Bonnie In Court

Annalise had been the defense advocate in Bonnie’s rape case when the latter was much younger. Bonnie had been the victim of sexual abuse in the hands of her father as well as several other men.

But Annalise, typically, dominated her in the witness stand, trying to prove her a liar and disproving her evidence. Her behavior towards Bonnie was truly atrocious at the time, which is why she was filled with remorse afterwards and offered to mentor Bonnie.

5 Best: Acknowledged Her Drinking Problem

Annalise developed a significant addiction to alcohol as she struggled through life and the very many curveballs thrown her way.

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But she was strong enough to accept that she had a problem. She started attending the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and took charge of her life and career, even as everything seemed to be slipping away from her.

4 Worst: Lied To Wes About Rebecca

Annalise lied and manipulated her way through a lot of drama, helping to bury multiple bodies–metaphorically–and aiding in multiple cover-ups.

One of the worst things she did was to consistently lie to Wes about Rebecca Sutter’s death. She was covering up for Bonnie who had killed Rebecca by putting a plastic bag over her head. But by doing that she was lying through her teeth to Wes, whom she claimed to love like a son, and who believed her implicitly at the time.

3 Best: The Class Action Lawsuit

One of Annalise’s best deeds had been the massive class-action lawsuit she undertook to get justice for all those victims of the system who hadn’t been offered proper legal resources.

The idea for the class action came to Annalise when she was imprisoned after being suspected of murdering Wes. She persevered and took the fight straight to the corrupt Governor Birkhead, ultimately winning the lawsuit.

2 Worst: Pushed Rose Over The Edge

On the other hand, one of the worst things Annalise did was push Rose Edmond, Wes’ mother, to appear as a witness in favor of Charles Mahoney who had been accused of a murder.

Of course, Annalise didn’t know at the time about the trauma Rose had already faced with the Mahoneys. But she and Eve did collude to intimidate Rose by threatening to stir up trouble with the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. Rose was unable to handle the pressure and took her life, setting in motion a chain of events that led to Wes showing up in Annalise’s class years later.

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1 Best: Saved Christopher’s Life

The worst things that Annalise did were somewhat nullified by the few amazing things she did too. And the best among them was saving little Christopher’s life.

When Laurel was bleeding out with her prematurely born baby beside her inside an elevator in season 4, it was Annalise who did everything she could to bring the tiny baby back from the brink of death. Christopher definitely owed his life to Annalise and in a way, Annalise saving Wes’s son made up for her not being able to save Wes himself.

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