The sixth and final season of the spectacular legal thriller, How to Get Away With Murder, ran between 2019 and 2020. The story and its conclusion were generally satisfying to (most) fans, although it felt just a little rushed near the end. Annalise has to, and does, figure out a way to avoid letting anyone she cares about go to prison, least of all herself.

One of the best character changes occurs to Annalise’s hair — she finally gets the courage to express her true self, rather than disguise her blackness behind unnaturally colored wigs. Of the ten best episodes in this season, two have IMDb scores of 9.7, the highest given in the whole series.

10 Vivian’s Here (Episode 2) – 8.3

Vivian Maddox accuses Annalise Keating of being involved in Sam’s death (unwittingly adding herself to a long list of people with the same belief.) As convincing her otherwise is a failure, Annalise resorts to telling her that her partner was actually murdered by Gabriel.

Asher and Connor work on an immigration case that centers around a small child whose mother has been taken away by ICE. Tegan’s smart use of Spanish, as well as her comforting aura, helps Hector open up to her. Michaela tries to find her father, but is upset when she learns that he had passed a way a while ago.

9 Do You Think I’m A Bad Man? (Episode 3) – 8.3

Tegan hires Bonnie to work for Caplan & Gold, although slightly hesitant at first. The decision bears fruit rather quickly, as together they are able to keep Hector and his mother together (fixing the horrible mistake that Connor makes.)

In a stunning reveal, Vivian comes clean to her son about her role as an FBI informant, offering him a set of tapes that contain therapy sessions between Sam and Annalise. A flashforward shows Connor being harshly interrogated by the FBI, at which point he begins to have a “panic attack.”


8 What If Sam Wasn’t The Bad Guy This Whole Time? (Episode 13) – 8.4

Nate confirms Gabriel’s story about Agent Pollock being Asher’s murderer, and manages to convince her boss, Lanford, of her guilt. Simultaneously, the FBI retracts the immunity deal offered to Michaela and Connor upon learning that Annalise had secretly recorded the whole discussion.

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Right before leaving Philadelphia, Vivian informs Annalise about her suspicions — that Sam and Hannah Keating were incestuously involved in their childhood. This turns out to be upsettingly accurate, especially when they figure out that Frank was the child conceived from the Keating relationship.

7 I Want To Be Free (Episode 8) – 8.6

Governor Birkhead’s brilliant move has Bonnie taken off Nate Lahey, Sr.’s case, but her replacement, Tegan, is no less sharp in a courtroom. Frank and Annalise contrive to place Miller’s mother on the witness stand, whose warm descriptions of Bonnie grieves the latter enormously.

It gets so much worse for Bonnie when she finds out that the man she had once loved, and later murdered, was completely innocent. In the future, Annalise is shown packing up her life in Philadelphia while planning how to fake her death.

6 We’re Not Getting Away With It (Episode 10) – 8.8

After freaking out in the police station, Oliver lies about murdering Asher so Connor can be set free. This backfires, as he is now in trouble in addition to his husband and Michaela. The FBI suggests a measly deal, insisting that they take it if they don’t wish to spend the rest of their time before trial in prison.

Michaela and Connor accede to the prosecution, but after demanding that both of them should receive the same immunity, whether or not the other person signs it. Annalise tries to find a new home in Mexico, but she is caught by the police and deported back to her country.

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5 Let’s Hurt Him (Episode 12) – 8.8

Tegan helps Annalise fight the incredible request made by the AUSA — the death penalty should Annalise be found guilty of all charges. Although she has enough evidence to win her case, she chooses not to use Gabriel’s recording as she promised Vivian that he would remain safe.

Nevertheless, it’s not like Annalise ever loses, does she? Elsewhere, Nate tortures Xavier in a hidden basement (after Frank is done with him), and eventually kills him after finding out that Jorge Castillo and the Governor were the true masterminds behind everything.

4 The Reckoning (Episode 11) – 8.8

Annalise is unsurprisingly angry when she discovers that Connor and Michaela have “betrayed” her (she still considers them like she would her own children.) Ophelia Harkness unleashes a tsunami of ancient wisdom against her daughter, helping her — and most of the audience — realize that the baby she longs for is, in fact, herself.

In the past, Gabriel is shown watching from under his bedroom door as an unknown assailant bludgeons Asher to death. While visiting the FBI office, however, he identifies the killer as Agent Pollock from her unique earring.

3 Annalise Keating Is Dead (Episode 14) – 9.4

During her trial, Annalise represents herself, and tears both Connor and Michaela to shreds for their audacity of challenging her. The FBI achieve another failure in the form of Laurel, who decides to support Annalise’s testimony and claims that Agent Lanford was pressuring her to lie under oath.

In the meantime, Nate asks Jorge to provide evidence against Governor Birkhead (the news that his son has been found murdered gets the older Castillo on Nate’s side.) Annalise threatens to take Hannah’s humiliating past public unless she agrees to testify on her behalf.

2 Are You The Mole? (Episode 9) – 9.7

During graduation, Connor, Oliver, Asher, and Michaela consume magic mushrooms, after which Asher asks Michaela to marry him (thereby obtaining spousal immunity for each other.) This is when the gang finds out that Asher has been the FBI spy from the beginning, which causes a furious Oliver to bonk him in the back of the head with a fire poker.

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This doesn’t kill him (not yet), and he explains that he did all of this to protect his mother from getting herself arrested by the FBI for actively ignoring his father’s criminal activities. Asher then tells everyone to follow his example and shunt all blame and guilt onto Annalise.

1 Stay (Episode 15) – 9.7

The series finale is one of explosive beauty. Annalise’s closing arguments to the jury bring up her sense of displaced belonging, admitting that she changed herself, her clothes, her hair, her identity, just to fit herself into a world that did not appreciate her. Unfortunately, Frank has to go and murder Governor Birkhead and is killed in the return fire (along with Bonnie who simply tries to save him.)

The funeral teased throughout the season is indeed Annalise’s, but it occurs decades in the future. Connor, Laurel, Oliver and Eve pay their final respects, while Michaela is sworn in as a judge somewhere else. The show ends with the same class at the same university where Annalise Keating taught, except here the professor is Christopher Castillo.

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