There’s always a warm welcome for brand new exotics in Destiny 2, but bringing back some old favorites is just as exciting. Hawkmoon has returned from its seemingly final encore in the original Destiny game. Sporting a sleek black/silver sheen, this powerful and destructive hand-cannon makes a bold re-appearance.

In order to get their hands on this weapon, players must seek out The Spider at the Tangled Shore. There, he will provide players with the exotic quest to find it. Work alongside him and The Crow to re-assemble the weapon in accordance with these steps.


How to Get the Hawkmoon Exotic Hand Cannon in Destiny 2

Step 1: Finding the Feathers

  • Feather 1 – Outside the Spider’s hideout, by the immediate entrance on top of some equipment.
  • Feather 2 – Head to the EDZ; the Sludge. Across from the Hollowed Grove lost sector, the ruined building on the cliff. Sort of looks like a catwalk
  • Feather 3 – Cosmodrome fast travel point at the Steppes. The feather is located on the broken section of the wall that looks like a pillar directly in front where players spawn.
  • Feather 4 – Dreaming City, Blind Well entrance in the main area. Outside by the large doorway where hive and taken spawn. Left-hand side.
  • Feather 5 – Shrine of Oryx on the Moon, left side on the floor.

Step 2: Quest

After going to the Tangled Shore to speak to The Crow and update the quest, players will go back to the EDZ and complete a slightly different rendition of the lost sector, Hollowed Grove. Once inside players can run past all the basic enemies and head straight to the boss to kill it. Afterward, a glowing crow will appear toward the back wall, revealing a new “secret” pathway. Following this path will bring players to a jumping puzzle they need to complete. At the end of the puzzle, some more Taken will spawn. Once the Taken and the boss has been defeated, another Crow will appear next to an unfinished Hawkmoon resting on a stone.

Step 3: Orbs of Power

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With the frame of the unfinished Hawkmoon in hand, players now need to generate 50 Orbs of power. For those who may not know, this is just another name for orbs of light generated from supers and Masterwork weapons. Masterwork weapons are a better choice since players can pick the orbs up that drop due to their own weapons. Supers and abilities only drop orbs for other Guardians and not the Guardian using the ability.

Step 4: Quest

Head Over to the Trostland and do a little exploring by the damn. It’s the same location as the Lake of Shadows strike but much like the previous quest, its a slightly different rendition. Along the way, players will be collecting feathers again for a total of 5. They all have a grey icon appear above it from a distance so don’t worry about scrounging around for it. The last feather can be found in the boss room after defeating it.

Step 5: Eliminations

Players have an option to defeat Champions or Guardians for this stage. For those unaware, Champions are more powerful enemies with runes next to their names. These enemies require special perks from the seasonal artifact in order to eliminate them with ease. There are Barrier types, Unstoppable types, and Overload types. Players need to defeat around 200 Guardians or 30 champions.

Final Step

Players will return to the EDZ to repeat the quest in step 2. This time, there is another slight change with the jumping puzzle being different after the first boss fight. Also, there is a two-part battle at the end. The first part allows players to claim the completed version of Hawkmoon when completed. For a more detailed guide with supporting visuals and tips, Youtuber KhakisHD fully covers every step in this video.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

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