The boundless world of Minecraft has no shortage of hazards and threats that can lead players to an untimely demise; however, such unfortunate deaths can be eluded by using an item called the Totem of Undying. The Totem of Undying in Minecraft grants its user a “second chance” by providing a brief moment of immortality during a situation that would have otherwise resulted in death. The totem can only be used once and will be consumed upon being triggered.

Upon taking lethal damage, the Totem of Undying activates and restores a single point of HP to the player. This brief activation also removes all negative status effects and boosts HP regeneration and damage resistance. As a result, the player can escape their impending doom and avoid marking another grave in their Minecraft playthrough. However, acquiring a Totem of Undying is an escapade in itself, as players will need to face one of the most dangerous mobs in the game — an Evoker.


The Evoker is a hostile Minecraft mob that can cast powerful spells and summon airborne minions known as Vexes. The Evoker’s attacks can make quick work of any adventurer, especially if they are unprepared. Players who defeat an Evoker will be guaranteed to receive a Totem of Undying. To find an Evoker, players must either locate a Woodland Mansion or initiate a Raid.

How to Obtain A Totem of Undying in Minecraft

To spawn the hostile Evoker mob in Minecraft, players must acquire the status effect “Bad Omen,” which can be activated by slaying Pillager Captains at a Pillager Outpost or wandering Patrol leaders. These two mobs can be recognized by their tall Ominous Banner. Once Bad Omen has taken effect, a Raid will begin once a player returns to a Village. About the fifth wave during the Raid, an Evoker will spawn, giving players a chance to defeat it and take its Totem of Undying.

The other method of finding an Evoker is by discovering the location of a Woodland Mansion in Minecraft. The dungeon is rather well-hidden, meaning that the chances of a player randomly stumbling on one are quite low. However, players can easily locate one by using a Woodland Explorer Map. The most straightforward way to acquire the map is by trading with a Villager Cartographer.

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If a player cannot find a Cartographer in any nearby Minecraft Villages, the next step would be to craft and place down a Cartography Table, trapping a Villager beside it. Once the Villager accepts their new job, trade Paper and Emeralds to gradually level up their stock until a Woodland Explorer Map appears. After discovering the dungeon, Evokers can be found on the upper floors of the mansion. Slay them to obtain Totems of Undying.

Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

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