Void ore, much like fae iron in New World, is a rare drop from a common mining deposit. However, there are things players should keep in mind when searching for this rare resource. Planning ahead can be a huge aid to players looking for void ore.

The first thing for players to keep in mind is that void ore is mined from orichalcum veins. These deposits can be found in most areas of New World, though a large collection of veins can be found on the islands west of Ebonscale Reach and to the northeast of Mountainhome. To collect void ore, players’ mining levels should be 175 or higher.


Because void ore is such a rare drop, players will want to increase their mining luck as much as possible. Certain food items in New World can help with this boost, though they don’t stack.

  • Roasted Potatoes: Ingredients required for this food are one potato, one butter, and one peppercorn. It increases mining luck by 1000 points for 20 minutes.
  • Herb-Roasted Potatoes: This food requires one potato, one honey, one butter, and one cinnamon. It increases mining luck by 1400 points for 25 minutes.

One other option players have is to buy void ore from a trading post. However, because of its rarity, the price of the item is likely to be high. After finding the ore, it’s time for players to become master blacksmiths.

What Void Ore Can Be Used For in New World

For players over level 60, there are a few ways to increase their gear score. Following the legendary weapon questline, for example, will do just that. However, that quest isn’t available until endgame. To get decent armor before then, players can use void ore. In New World, crafting is one of the most important mechanics and void ore can be used to craft legendary Voidbent armor.

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Players will need to refine their void ore into voidbent ingot to make armor from it. This will require a tier-three smelter, one void ore, one void essence, and ten energy cores. Voidbent armor can be crafted for every primary gear slot, and players will need one voidbent ingot for each. The other ingredients depend on which piece of gear the player is attempting to craft. The pieces in the voidbent set, and their crafting recipes, appear below:

  • Voidbent Helm: 10 Asmodeum, 4 Runic Leather, 4 Phoenixweave, 4 Tolvium, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, 1 Voidbent Ingot
  • Voidbent Breastplate: 20 Asmodeum, 8 Runic Leather, 7 Phoenixweave, 4 Tolvium, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, 1 Voidbent Ingot
  • Voidbent Gauntlets: 6 Asmodeum, 4 Tolvium, 2 Runic Leather, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, 1 Phoenixweave, 1 Voidbent Ingot
  • Voidbent Legguards: 12 Asmodeum, 4 Runic Leather, 4 Tolvium, 2 Phoenixweave, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, 1 Voidbent Ingot
  • Voidbent Sabatons: 6 Asmodeum, 4 Tolvium, 2 Runic Leather, 2 Cinnabar, 2 Infused Fur, 1 Phoenixweave, 1 Voidbent Ingot

For void ore to be useful to New World players, they will want to level up their character and level their mining and blacksmithing trades quickly.

New World is available for PC.

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