While many popular amusement parks, like Disneyland and Universal Studios, remain closed for the summer, players can still experience the magic and thrill of theme parks by creating their own in Planet Coaster.  Planet Coaster is the spiritual sequel to the wildly popular Rollercoaster Tycoon. Created by Frontier, the game allows a high level of customization that allows the player to build a theme park any way they want. As players work to build their dream parks, whether they choose Sandbox, Challenge, or Career mode, they may notice a similar problem crop up: park employees become dissatisfied, either from boredom or stress. This is especially true for janitorial and maintenance staff, though it can happen to any employee a player hires.


Some players have noted their employees become particularly bored and unhappy despite having work to do and a staff-only facility for breaks. With low happiness scores, employees begin considering resigning from their positions at the park. Players will know this based on comments the employees make throughout the day, which can be viewed through the Park Management window. Constantly replacing staff can become frustrating and, during a campaign mode, fairly costly. Instead, there are a few things players can do to balance an employee’s happiness and keep them satisfied in their position. Here’s how to make sure the staff stays happy in Planet Coaster.

Assign Work Patterns to Staff in Planet Coaster

Players have sometimes found that rides and coasters could be set for maintenance checks every ten minutes, yet their mechanics will frequently complain about being bored, and rides will continue to break down. The employees in the game appear to enjoy organization and patterns. To achieve this, players should consider assigning repeating work patterns to their employees to ensure they always have something they could be doing. This should prevent the boredom from settling in.

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To assign patterns, players will want to take advantage of work rosters. These are available through the Park Management tab. Players will need to choose Staff, then All Staff to access the roster. They can either see all staff or see separate rosters based on employee positions. The roster will show players their employees’ pay, happiness, workload, training level, and location.

Some players suggest creating separate work rosters for different themed areas of the park and assigning specific employees to that area via the new roster. This way, they can share the same nearby staff building, work on the same areas and rides, and not feel overworked from needing to run around and work in different areas of the park. This will also prevent a facility from being abandoned if a staff member is overworked and needs to rest in the staff building.

When players choose to Create a New Roster, they can select entire sections of the park and include or exclude the rides and facilities they want. They will then need to select an employee’s avatar or use the plus sign next to their name on the all-staff roster to assign them to the roster and select the facility or ride where they will work. Players can also allow entertainers, security, and vendors to free-roam in the area to work wherever they are needed.

Pay Staff More in Planet Coaster

The easiest and most effective way to improve staff satisfaction in Planet Coaster is to balance salaries. When an employee is hired on, they tend to accept the basic salary. As the park evolves and their workload increases, as in the real world, they will expect fair compensation. Players should incrementally increase wages for employees as the park and their responsibilities change and improve.

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To properly increase wages, players will need to head back to the Roster under Staff in the Park Management window and find the employee whose wages they want to raise. There, they can use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease hourly pay. For each training level, players should increase an employee’s pay by at least $15-25 to maintain happiness and satisfaction.

Give Staff More Training in Planet Coaster

If all else fails, players can also offer their park employees more training to help boost their morale and satisfaction with the job. Players can start the training process by placing a staff building in the park and customizing it in the resulting options panel. Each staff building serves three employees, though this can be upgraded so each building will handle up to ten. They often can blend into the theme of an area, making them unobtrusive additions to the park.

Players can set a perk of the building based on employee needs by clicking the staff building and then choosing the settings tab. The options for building perks are:

  • Staff Healthcare: Helps limit overworking
  • Staff Entertainment: Helps limit negative effects of boredom
  • Social Club: Faster happiness gains
  • Learning Resources: Training
  • Security Office: Security Staff can better detect vandals and thieves
  • Staff PR Course: Training specifically for entertainers and vendors; improves guest happiness
  • Rec Room: Faster energy recovery

Players can also train specific employees for a fee through the roster. They should find an employee’s name and, under training, use the up arrow to increase the employee’s training by one level. They can also do this by choosing the employee’s avatar or opening their location from the roster and finding Training in the resulting menu.

Training improves revenue, especially when vendors receive more training. Players should take note, however, that more training will lead to higher salary expectations from workers. Once an employee gets trained, players will want to raise their wages accordingly and continue to do so after each subsequent training. This is an investment in park staff, but it will pay off more in terms of employee satisfaction rates.

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Planet Coaster is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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