With every update to Call of Duty: Warzone there are new game modes and weapons that completely alter the way that the game is played. Players can always just play the normal battle royale game mode, but the other game modes allow for different ways to play and can make things a lot more interesting for them. Those who are looking for some new challenges should definitely check out the new game modes that get introduced.

Juggernauts have been a staple of the Modern Warfare franchise for a very long time. Call of Duty: Warzone introduced a special game mode recently that allows players to don the famous juggernaut suit as they try and complete the battle royale mode. The suit can make players near invulnerable and their opponents will need to work hard to bring a juggernaut down. This guide will provide players with some tips for defeating a juggernaut.


Call of Duty Warzone: How to Defeat a Juggernaut

The person in the juggernaut suit may seem invincible, but smart players can find ways to bring this dangerous foe down. They are basically just wearing a massive suit of armor, so players will need to use weapons with a high damage output to bring the juggernaut down. Here are a few tips for defeating one:

Be Patient- Since the juggernaut can take a massive amount of damage, it is a bad idea to confront one face to face right after the player picks up the suit. Right at the beginning of a match they will most likely have a full health bar and players will most likely not have decent enough gear to fight back against them. Its smarter to wait until later in the match to go against the juggernaut as they should have taken a decent amount of damage from other players and the player will most likely have better gear by then.

Kill Other Players First- One of the biggest mistakes that a player can make is attacking a juggernaut that still has a full team. A team will want to protect their big strong friend at all costs, so players should make those players a high priority. If they aren’t taken out then players will find that they will probably get taken out by the other players before they can do much damage to the juggernaut.

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Keep Your Distance- Fighting against the juggernaut up close and personal is a suicide mission. With the juggernaut’s high health and minigun there is no way that a player will be able to take him down unless they are properly prepared for a one on one fight. Instead players should try to surround the enemy on all sides with LMGs and sniper rifles and take it out from a distance. This will ensure that the the juggernaut doesn’t know who to attack first and its weapons will be useless from far enough away.

Carry Heavy Weapons- If players really want to fight a juggernaut face to face, then they will need to get their hands on some pretty heavy artillery. Grenade launchers and RPGs are ideal for taking as much health as possible from the juggernaut. On top of this players should try to have grenades, claymores, or C4 with them as they can be great ways to lay traps for the difficult enemy.

Juggernauts Shouldn’t Play in Traffic- The biggest downside to being in the juggernaut suit is that it makes the player incredibly slow. That’s why if all else fails when trying to take the enemy down, players can always just jump in a nearby vehicle and run the juggernaut over. This will take down a massive amount of health and the juggernaut will have a hard time getting out of the way. Players should try to do this from behind though as the minigun can take most vehicles down very easily.

Call of Duty: Warzone can be played on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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