It’s possible to surf in CS:GO, and it functions as an entirely different experience from the main game. CSGO has been one of the most popular first-person shooters for several years. With millions of active players and a dedicated esports community, CSGO continues to evolve with new content. The game features community servers where players are pushed to create their custom maps. Although, this has created a fun fan-made hobby within the community called Surfing. It’s a fun little distraction that breaks away from the main game modes but can also help players improve their mouse accuracy.

When playing on a Surfing level, players are pushed to slide alongside a ramp. These courses will teach players how to control their momentum properly. Using the games’ physics, it almost seems as the character is “surfing” along with the surface. It’s become a common trend for many popular content creators to cover CGSO surfing content. The objective of these maps is to make it to the end without falling off. It’s incredibly easy to die in CS:GO through this game mode. It’s made to help players get comfortable with how the game feels.


To find CSGO surfing maps, players will need to join a community server. Choose the ‘Community Server Browser’ option from within the drop-down menu when booting up the game. Next, input ‘surf,’ and all the different types of community-made surf levels will appear. They will range in difficulty, with Tier 1 being the easiest. For first-time surfers, try out Tier 1 levels to get comfortable with surfing. It’s a drastically different experience than the main game.

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How To Surf in CS: GO

For starters, players will need to use their A and D keys to move left and right to exploit the momentum. Since much of the momentum is automated, players won’t have to worry too much about the W or S key when moving. These keys focus more on the character’s momentum. The goal is to try and stick to the sides of the ramps for as long as possible. Jump off when the momentum is dying or if the path is running out.

At any point, players can bring up CS:GO‘s custom map to see how it was rated amongst the community. Typically, the ones with the most likes are the most enjoyable. Although, players shouldn’t hesitate from trying out some of the lesser-known maps. There might be a few hidden gems created by the community for everyone to enjoy.

CSGO is available now on PC.

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