It’s no secret Apple designs its MacBooks to be durable and dependable devices, but that’s not to say they can’t benefit from some maintenance every now and then. Specifically, it’s a good idea to keep the display of a MacBook as clean as can be.

This rule applies to any of the MacBook models Apple sells. Have a baseline MacBook Air that’s used for casual web browsing and some online schooling? Its display needs to be cleaned. Use a specced-out MacBook Pro for intense video editing? It needs to be cleaned, too. No Mac user is exempt from good hygiene, and cleaning the display of a MacBook is one of the most important rules in the book.


Now that that’s been established, let’s talk about how to actually go about cleaning a MacBook screen. Per Apple’s own instructions, the first step is to make sure the MacBook is turned off and disconnected from its charging cable. Next, dampen a cloth that’s soft, clean, and lint-free. Wipe the screen down with the cloth until it looks good, and that’s it! While the process itself is easy enough, there are a couple of things to keep in mind before cleaning. Above all else, only use water to dampen the cloth. Don’t use a window cleaner, aerosol sprays, acetone, or any other cleaning solution. Similarly, don’t use a spray bottle to spray water directly on the screen. As Apple points out, doing so can cause water to possibly drip behind the display and damage the internals.

Benefits Of Regularly Cleaning MacBook Screen

It can be easy to go weeks or months on end without cleaning a MacBook screen, but for users that can get in the habit of doing so regularly, it’s well worth the small time investment. For one thing, it’s an easy way to keep germs, dust, and other gunk off the MacBook. Especially given the past year of heightened awareness for properly sanitizing things, it’s a good idea to keep that MacBook screen looking sharp.

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Perhaps even more important for some users, a dirty MacBook screen can translate to a worse experience of using the laptop. A dirty display filled with smudges and grime can quickly make everything on the screen look worse — something that’s far from ideal when watching movies, editing photos, or anything else. It takes just a couple of minutes to properly clean a MacBook screen, and once it’s done, the benefits will be immediately apparent.

Source: Apple

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