In Crusader Kings 3, players can take on the challenge of building an empire across Medieval Europe by arranging marriages, waging war, and plotting the demise of their enemies. It is a take on World History that can be as realistic or outlandish as the player prefers. Crusader Kings 3 relies on strategy and allows players to simulate an empire and dynasty based on real-world governments, religions, and ruling styles. Though much political gain comes from treaties and marriages to join kingdoms, some comes from warfare. Players may wage war against almost any other kingdom in the game, provided they have cause.


One of the keys to successful warfare is a large force, particularly in the form of Levies. In the game, Levies are regiments of conscripted soldiers from the player’s kingdom or holdings and will serve as the most basic kind of fighter available during a war. They are neither very strong nor very tough, but players can easily conscript a legion of them and command them to fight for the kingdom. Players can also enter into contracts with their vassals to increase the number of Levies they receive. If players are ready to go to war, whether to answer a personal insult or make life better for their citizens, here’s how to raise Levies in Crusader Kings 3.

How to Raise Levies in Crusader Kings 3

There are a few ways for players to raise Levies and mobilize their soldiers when they are attacked or choose to declare war. However, for a player to raise their Levies in the game, they need to first have a Rally Point. This can be built at any time anywhere in the player’s realm via the Military tab. Players will want to add at least one Rally Point, though they can add as many as they deem necessary.

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When a player selects that Rally Point, they can choose one of two options: Raise Local Army or Raise All Here. If the player selects the Local option, they will receive Levies from the surrounding areas. If they choose All, all their soldiers will be called to one point. It’s worth noting that a player’s most elite troops will gather at the first point where the player raises their army. When multiple Rally Points are selected, troops will divide themselves about equally between them.

The easiest way to raise Levies, however, is to click on the Raise All Armies option at the bottom of the screen in the pop-up that will appear once the player’s kingdom is officially at war. Otherwise, if the player misses the pop-up or needs more time, they can always Raise All Armies in the Military tab.

Players may raise their armies at any time, even when at peace, but they will not be able to declare war while the army has been raised.

If players want to increase the size of their forces, they will likely want to focus on their vassals. In Crusader Kings 3, vassals have different traits and abilities that may make them better at providing Levies for the kingdom. Negotiating strong feudal contracts for more Levies with the best vassals, recruiting more vassals, and keeping vassals happy will be the strongest strategy for increasing the number of Levies at the player’s disposal. Players will also receive more Levies each time they expand their territory and increase their holdings.

Crusader Kings 3 is available for PC

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