Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with tons of enemies and gunfights waiting to happen. The key to staying alive and succeeding throughout the game is to have a good arsenal of weapons near you at all times.

Overtime these weapons tend to decay or have their condition diminished. This leads to a reduction in the gun’s stats and how effective it can be in a fight. Maintaining the condition of guns is a key part of the game that is overlooked by many players. This guide will show players how to easily repair weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 and maintain the good condition needed to make it through the game.


Repairing Weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2

Repairing weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 is very easy and can be done anywhere throughout the game. The only thing that players will need to do this is a container of gun oil and a damaged weapon in their inventory. Players will have to open up their weapon wheel and hold their joystick in the direction of the weapon so that it is selected. While selected, players can look to the bottom right corner of the screen to see what button they need to press in order to maintain the weapon. This button will differ depending on what system a player is using and what their button setup looks like. From there the game will tell the player what button to hold down in order to clean and repair the weapon. This process will raise the condition of the weapon back up to one hundred percent and restore any stats that had been reduced. This can be done anywhere throughout the game if players have time to go through the entire process without interruption.

How to Obtain Gun Oil

the only thing that players need to obtain to maintain their weapons is containers of gun oil. Gun oil can be found easily by looting and robbing enemies throughout the game. There is a good chance that players will be able to find all of the gun oil that they need throughout the game without ever having to step inside a store. If players do need some extra gun oil, it can be purchased at any of the gunsmith shops throughout the map. It can be found under the accessory section of the catalog and is fairly cheap as it costs only $1.50, in most shops.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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