While Shepard prepares for war against the Reapers in Mass Effect 3, they can choose to begin or continue a romance with asari scientist and Prothean expert Dr. Liara T’Soni. Where the romances in both Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 are largely one-night experiences, the romantic relationships between Shepard and a squadmate paramour in Mass Effect 3 are generally more complex and mature. Though she and her romantic arc are largely absent from Mass Effect 2 until the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC, Liara never forgot Shepard and returns to feature as a squadmate from the start of the third entry to the series.


Liara is again available for a male or female Shepard and, unlike other popular romance options like Tali’Zorah vas Normandy or Garrus Vakarian, even if Shepard romanced someone else in Mass Effect 1 or Mass Effect 2, she is still an available option in Mass Effect 3, provided Shepard has broken things off with the other squadmates. The progression of Liara’s romance is similar to that of other companions: Shepard will need to express their interest in being more than friends multiple times and meet her for a kind of “date” on the Citadel to commit to the relationship, blocking off all other options.  Here’s how to romance Liara, either for the first time or as a continuation, in Mass Effect 3.

How to Begin or Continue a Romance with Liara in Mass Effect 3

To romance Liara in Mass Effect 3, players will need to make the choice to commit early on, though the official commitment does not take place until after Priority: Citadel II. After meeting Liara on Mars and recruiting her, Shepard will need to visit her in her office frequently to chat. If Shepard previously romanced Liara in the original Mass Effect, even if they selected a different romance in Mass Effect 2, they will be able to offer to rekindle the relationship during the very first conversation they have with her in her room. If Shepard chose a different romantic partner in the first game or was unfaithful in the second, the option to begin a romance will not appear until after Priority: Citadel II and at least one other mission.

If Shepard was in a relationship with someone else during Mass Effect 2, Liara will express displeasure about it at some point when Shepard visits her room. Shepard will need to make a choice. Should they want to return to Liara, they will need to break things off with their current lover. Most of the main squadmate love interests have a commitment point. While Shepard can continue to pursue the other love interest until this commitment point, they may miss their chance with Liara because of it, so the sooner they can end things with their former lover, the better.

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Eventually, Shepard will receive a message on their Private Terminal from Liara about her special project. Shepard can invite Liara up to their cabin, where she will share her idea for a preservation capsule including an article about Shepard. She will ask Shepard how they want to be remembered. During this conversation, Shepard can say they want to be more than friends with Liara. Like before, if Shepard did not romance her in the first game or was unfaithful in the second, this option will not appear.

Following Cerberus’ attack on the Citadel, Shepard will receive a message from Liara asking them to meet her again at the Presidium Commons. This is the point-of-no-return, where the relationship can begin, or where Shepard officially commits. It is also the last point where Shepard can break things off to pursue a different love interest. Should they choose the more than friends dialogue option here, Shepard will declare they want to spend the rest of their life with Liara, and the two will kiss.

Like other romanced squadmates during the Citadel DLC, Liara will be the first squadmate to come to Shepard’s aid during the ambush. After the final fight, she can be invited up to Shepard’s personal apartment. She will play a tune on the piano and the two will share an intimate moment by the window, where Shepard can suggest spending time together like that more often. The Paragon interrupt during this conversation allows Shepard to pull her back toward them when she turns away. Liara will also attend Shepard’s party and will wake up in bed together the morning after.

Just before the mission Priority: Cerberus Headquarters, Liara will come to Shepard’s cabin and discuss preparations for the final battle. They spend an intimate night together, and, when Shepard awakens from their nightmare, Liara comforts them.

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Liara is one of Shepard’s final goodbyes during Priority: Earth. During this conversation, she offers to join consciousness with Shepard and share memories as a final gift, an asari custom reserved only for close friends and bondmates. The couple will kiss during this joining.

If Liara is part of the squad during the run up to the beam, she will become severely injured and evacuated back to the Normandy. No matter what, Shepard will need to leave her behind. Shepard will tell her that no matter what, she means everything to them, and she will tell Shepard she is theirs. She will later be seen either putting Shepard’s name on the Memorial Wall or refusing to do so, depending on the player’s chosen Mass Effect 3 ending.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition will launch on May 14, 2021 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with forward compatibility for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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