Despite the chaos of preparing for a war, a male Shepard can still find comfort beside quarian machinist and fan-favorite squadmate Tali’Zorah vas Normandy in Mass Effect 3. Though Tali is not available as a squadmate at the start of the game, if she survived the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2, Shepard will encounter her on the Normandy later during diplomatic talks with the quarian Admirals. If Shepard romanced Tali in Mass Effect 2, the romance can continue in Mass Effect 3. They will also have an option to end the romance and pursue another companion instead.


To successfully engage in a romance with Tali in the final installment of the trilogy, Shepard will need to make a careful decision during the mission Priority: Rannoch. Choosing incorrectly can have disastrous consequences. As with the other companion romances in Mass Effect 3, companions will sometimes comment on the growing relationship between Shepard and Tali throughout the story. Tali’s romance is also a key feature of the Citadel DLC, where she first comes to Shepard’s aid during the ambush and later spends a significant amount of time with him at the personal apartment and party. Here’s how to continue Tali’s romance in Mass Effect 3.

How to Continue a Romance with Tali in Mass Effect 3

The Mass Effect 2 companion love interests are only available to romance in Mass Effect 3 if Shepard was in a romance with them by the end of the game and if they survived the Suicide Mission. If Shepard did not pursue Tali in Mass Effect 2, she will not be available as a romance option. If players do not want to restart the trilogy, in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, they can instead change the options in the Mass Effect: Genesis comics optional experience ahead of loading Mass Effect 3. This way, they can input the decision to romance Tali and activate her romance without needing to complete another playthrough.

Shepard will encounter Tali again near the second Act of Mass Effect 2 when the quarian Admirals board the Normandy for diplomatic talks. Shepard can pull her aside, away from the other Admirals, and ask about their relationship. Tali will say she cannot talk freely in front of the others and suggest Shepard invite her to his cabin later to continue the conversation. Until Shepard invites Tali upstairs via the intercom at his private terminal, the romance cannot trigger.

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During the conversation in Shepard’s quarters, the player will have the option to continue the romance or to break things off. Choosing to continue will soft-lock the romance, and it will be difficult for Shepard to pursue other options from this point forward.

During Priority: Rannoch, Tali confesses her love for Shepard just before he faces the Reaper. At the end of the mission, Shepard must broker peace between the Geth and quarians or take the quarians’ side. To broker peace, they will need to have completed a few key steps between the second and third game:

  • Tali and Legion must both be alive.
  • Tali was not exiled in Mass Effect 2.
  • Legion’s loyalty mission was completed, and the Heretics were destroyed. It is possible for them to have been rewritten and peace achieved, but the requirements are more rigid.
  • Shepard must have broken up the fight between Legion and Tali in Mass Effect 2 without taking sides (i.e., using Charm/Intimidate).
  • Shepard must have four bars of Reputation.
  • Koris must have been rescued on Rannoch.
  • Shepard must have completed the Geth Fighter Squadrons mission.

If Shepard is forced to choose a side and takes the side of the Geth, Tali will take her own life in despair, whether she is in a romance with Shepard or not.

Following Priority: Rannoch, Tali pledges her Loyalty and returns as a member of Shepard’s squad. She returns to her usual spot in Engineering and will leave Shepard a picture of her without her mask in his cabin.

Tali will profess her love to Shepard a few times at various locations on the Normandy, most notably in front of the Memorial Wall and at the bar in the Lounge. Other squadmates, particularly Javik, will make comments to both Tali and Shepard about the relationship.

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Like other romanced squadmates in the Citadel DLC, Tali will be the first to come to Shepard’s aid during the ambush. After the final fight, she can be invited to the personal apartment for a movie night and will sing along to “Fleet and Flotilla” for Shepard. She will also join Shepard at the party. Whether the party is calm or upbeat, she will get drunk. The morning after the party, Shepard and Tali will wake up together in Shepard’s bed.

Just before the mission Priority: Cerberus Headquarters, Tali will come to Shepard’s cabin and ask to spend the night. Shepard can choose whether to allow her to stay. If she stays, the couple will share an intimate moment before the cutscene fades to black. When Shepard wakes up from his nightmare, she will comfort him.

Tali is one of Shepard’s final goodbyes during Priority: Earth. If she is part of the squad during the run up to the beam, she will become severely injured and evacuated back to the Normandy. No matter what, Shepard will need to leave her behind. He will tell her to build a home on Rannoch, to which she will reply she already has a home and beg him to come back to her. She will later be seen either putting Shepard’s name on the Memorial Wall or refusing to do so, depending on the player’s chosen Mass Effect 3 ending.

If Shepard does not romance either Tali or Garrus, the two will end up together by the end of the game. Shepard can overhear some of their conversations via comms when visiting either one on the Normandy. They can also “catch” the pair in an intimate moment in the Main Battery ahead of Priority: Earth.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition launches May 14 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with forward compatibility on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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