In Red Dead Online players have complete freedom to roam the world by themselves killing other players or behaving like a grizzled lone bounty hunter. This isn’t a bad way to play, and honestly, players will get a lot of fun out exploring Rockstar’s massively beautiful world all by themselves. At the end of the day though it can get very lonely out there in the Wild West and its much safer to travel as a group.

Whenever players want to play with some friends they should start up a posse as soon as possible. By creating a posse, players can create a giant bounty hunting group that does their best to take care of criminals and make the world a safer place. They could also go the other way with it and become a pack of bloodthirsty animals that kills anything that moves. There are two ways to start a posse: creating one and joining one that already exists. This guide will show players how to do both, as well as show why it is so important to join one, to begin with.


Red Dead Online: Why Should You Join a Posse?

There are a lot of reasons why players should join up with a posse as soon as possible, but the biggest reason is that it makes players less of a target. While roaming the game world, players are likely to run into all kinds of dangerous enemies from wild animals to evil factions of players. These enemies are much less likely to mess with a group of players than a single loan cowboy riding by himself. Posses give players a chance to explore the world with a group of people that will have their back and ensure no one messed with them. This also goes both ways though. If players want to be a mean group of outlaws, it is a lot more intimidating to have a group of people at your back. No one is going to take a bandit seriously unless he has some kind of backup.

While playing as a group the posse leader has a lot of things that make group play easy and more streamlined. For one, if the leader places a waypoint then other players will be able to see it on their map. This makes traversing the game world a lot easier. Another fun addition is that leaders can trigger posse races whenever the group is traveling together. This means that all players in the group will have to race to a specific location against each other, and they can earn experience points the whole way. It makes traversing more fun than ever before.

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There are also activities that can only be done in Red Dead Online while part of a posse, like the game mode Hunt the Leader. These competitive online modes are a lot of fun and give players even more content and interesting things to check out while playing. A lot of the activities that players do as a group will give them more money and experience points than they would if done solo as well. There are basically a lot of rewards and benefits that players gain from having a posse that they would never have access to if they were playing solo.

Red Dead Online: How to Join a Posse

Players who don’t want to deal with the hassle of starting their own group can just join up with any posse they want. Players will just need to hit the left button on the D-Pad to open up the Free Roam Menu. From here they will be able to select the Posse tab which shows all of the available groups that are available to join. Players can also search for a specific group to join like a real-world friend’s posse.

Once there, players will probably want to do a little bit of digging into each group before joining up. The problem with joining a group of strangers is that you never know exactly how they will behave in-game. The game doesn’t provide a lot of information about players, but it does at least show what their alignment is in the game. If players want to be a good person in the world of Red Dead Online, they probably don’t want to join a posse full of Dishonorable members.

Once players have selected the group that they think is a good fit, they are then good to go. They can join in any group activities that the posse decides on, and they can even enter into a private group chat with their new friends to get to know each other. Additionally, all posse members will show up as blue on the map rather than the standard red of other players.

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Red Dead Online: How to Create a Posse

Sometimes joining a random posse just doesn’t feel right, and players would rather start their own group. To do this players will just need to hit left on the D-Pad again and scroll back over to the Posse tab in the menu. Instead of picking a Posse from the menu, players can instead choose to create their own.

Players are then presented with a menu that gives them several options for how their posse will operate in the game. Most of these are pretty simple choices like whether or not friendly fire is on or if the posse is invite-only. The most important option though is whether the posse is temporary or persistent. A temporary posse can only hold four members, can’t compete in versus modes, and can’t be named. This is basically just a way to form a small group to complete a mission or two before signing off.

Players who want something a little more permanent should select the persistent posse. This will allow them to have up to seven members, let them name their posse anything they wish and will be able to compete against other posses in different game modes. After forming a posse players will need to pay $1 to set up a camp, but the camp will be set up wherever the player is standing when they form it. Players should make sure they are in an ideal location before trying to set up their posse.

From here players can invite whoever they wish to their little group and decide if they want to be a group of good or bad guys. The thing to keep in mind though is that in order to gain access to all the customization features like a bigger camp and a name will mean that the player has to spend about $200 dollars in order to complete it. This may sound like a lot of money, but it is definitely worth it in order to keep this group of players together even when logging off at the end of a session. Players can always ask their group to pay them in pelts or other high valued items in order to front the cost of the posse. Either way, it is well worth the money.

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Red Dead Online can be played on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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